
Thomas Arendt - Biography#

Thomas Arendt (born: 1955) graduated from the Medical Faculty at Universität Leipzig (1982), where he obtained Medical Diploma (1978), Medical Doctorate (1982) and Habilitation (1990). He received postgradual training in neurochemistry, neuroanatomy and neuropathology at Paul Flechsig Institute, Leipzig, Academy of Medical Sciences, Moskow and the Institute of Psychiatry, University College, London, where he was invited to in 1986/87, and where his research interest focused on molecular and cellular aspects aspects cholinergic neurotransmission and strategies of therapeutic amelioration of cognitive dysfunction in neurodegeneration by stem cell transplantation.

He became full professor of Neuroanatomy at Universität Leipzig in 1996, where he put up a Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer Research, became Director of the Alzheimer-Centre Leipzig (2004-present), and Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research Leipzig (2006-2012). Since 2005, he is Director of the Paul Flechsig Institute of Brain Research, which is a Research Institute of Leipzig University with about 50 staff members.

He has a 40 years record in R&D of therapeutic and diagnostic strategies of neurodegenerative disorders, more than 400 publications (H-index: 72) with some of them published in top journals such as Cell, Nature, J.Cell Biol., J. Neurosci., supervised more than 45 PhDs, 50 Medical Thesis and 5 habilitations, is board member of various internation journals, Director of the Scientific Advisory Board of the "Alzheimer Forschung Initiative", and holds 19 patents for CNS diagnostics and treatment with some of them out-licensed to biotech companies in the US. Over the last 40 years, his research has continuously been funded by the German Research Foundation, German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, European Commission, NIH and others. He has received several prestigious honors including the Rudolf-Virchow-Award and the Alois Alzheimer Award of the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Universität, Frankfurt.

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