
Fabio Babiloni - Biography#

Prof. Fabio Babiloni is full Professor of Physiology at Sapienza University of Rome, where he teaches in several courses of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering.

He is Director of the Laboratory of Industrial Neuroscience at Sapienza University of Rome, (which includes 20 researchers) and is Chief Scientific Officer of Rome University startup BrainSigns, where for the last 12 years he has pioneered neuroscience techniques for understanding business communication for large Italian companies and foreign multinationals.

He is the author of more than 300 international scientific publications (source PUBMED) on the analysis of brain signals in humans and is on the 2% list of the world's most cited authors in the field of neuroscience and biomedical engineering.

He has been involved in many EU-funded European projects in the H2020 and HorizonEurope programmes.

He is the Vice Chair for EU in HorizonEurope and Horizon2020 in many funding programs (such as EiC Pathfinder, EiC Transition, WIDERA Challenges etc etc).

He was President of International Societies for brain imaging.

He has more than 30 years of experience in the signal processing of human cerebral signals and has published 4 books on this topic.

Prof. Fabio Babiloni was a pioneer in the area of brain computer interfaces and hyperscanning of multiple humans with the use of EEG signals.

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