
Matthew Baerman - Selected Publications#


2017 Morphological Complexity (with G. Corbett & D. Brown). Cambridge University Press. [1st author; reviewed in Language 2019 by A.S. Sims]]

2015 The Oxford Handbook of Inflection (editor). Oxford University Press. [Reviewed in Voprosy jazykoznania 2018 by T. Nesset, Morphology 2019 by H.-O. Enger]]


2023 Agreement in Kadu: Inflectional merger as morphosyntactic abstraction. Diachronica 40(1). 1–29.

2021 (with I. Monich) Paradigmatic saturation in Nuer. Language 97(3). e1–e20.

2020 Gender flip and person marking in Benchnon (North Omotic). Glossa. 5(1), 76.

2019 (with I. Monich & T. Reid) Nominal inflection classes in verbal paradigms. Morphology 29(3). 317–335.

2016 Seri verb classes: Morphosyntactic motivation and morphological autonomy. Language 92(4). 792–823. [Reprinted 2019 in the special issue Indigenous Languages: 21st-Century Perspectives]].

2014 Suppletive kin term paradigms in the languages of New Guinea. Linguistic Typology 18(3). 413–48.

2014 Covert order in a distributionally complex system. Journal of Linguistics 50(1). 1–47.

2012 Paradigmatic chaos in Nuer. Language 88(3). 467–94.


Web of Science value (as of 04/12/2023): 9
Scopus value (as of 04/12/2023): 13
Google Scholar value (as of 04/12/2023): 24

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