
Henri Bal#

Henri Bal
Foto: Ernst van Deursen
Membership Number:3504
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:THE NETHERLANDS

Present and Previous Positions

  • 2005-now, Full Professor, VU University Amsterdam, Department of Computer Science
  • 1998, Full Professor, VU University Amsterdam, Department of Computer Science (0.8) and Department of Physics and Astronomy (0.2)
  • 1994, Associate Professor, VU University Amsterdam, Computer Science
  • 1990, 04, Assistant Professor, VU University Amsterdam, Computer Science
  • 1989, 10, Visiting researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology + University of Arizona + Imperial College, London (on one combined grant)
  • 1982, Research assistant, VU University Amsterdam, Computer Science

Fields of Scholarship
  • Parallel and distributed systems
  • Programming environments for clusters, grids, clouds, heterogeneous and mobile systems
  • High-performance distributed applications in areas like search algorithms , multimedia, eScience, semantic web and model checking

Honours and Awards
  • Winner of an NWO PIONIER award (1993-1997), this was a highly prestigious award of the Netherlands science foundation to set up a new research group (comparable to an ERC starting grant now)
  • Clifford Pickover’s “The Math Book,” lists the work on solving the game of Awari as one of the 250 greatest achievements in the entire history of mathematics.
  • Bal's group has won many awards in international competitions, in application domains like astronomy, multimedia, and semantic web:
    • First International Data Analysis Challenge for Finding Supernovae, at IEEE Cluster/Grid 2008, First Prize Winner both in the basic and fault tolerant category (2 awards)
    • First IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE2008), at CCGrid 2008, for the entry "Scalable Wall-Socket Multimedia Grid Computing".
    • Third IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE2010), at CCGrid 2010, for the entry "WebPIE: a Web-scale Parallel Inference Engine"
  • Hentri Bal's PhD students won several awards:
    • The EuroSys Roger Needham PhD award 2010 was won by Willem de Bruijn , PhD student of Herbert Bos and Henri Bal
    • The EuroSys Roger Needham PhD award 2013 was won by Asia Slowinska, PhD student of Herbert Bos and Henri Bal

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