
Antje Boetius - Selected Publications#

Citation Report, http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-5459-2013
2018 Web of Science publication index: 179 items; H index 53
2018 Google Scholar: citations 16627, H index 68, i10 index 143

Boetius, A., K. Ravenschlag, C. Schubert, D. Rickert, , F. Widdel, A. Gieseke, R. Amann, B. B. Jørgensen, U. Witte, O. Pfannkuche, (2000) A marine microbial consortium apparently mediating anaerobic oxidation of methane. Nature 407, 623 - 626.

Niemann, H., T. Lösekann, D. de Beer, M. Elvert, T. Nadalig, K. Knittel, R. Amann, E. J. Sauter, M. Schlüter, M. Klages, J. P. Foucher, A. Boetius, (2006) Novel microbial communities of the Haakon Mosby mud volcano and their role as methane sink. Nature, (443) 854 – 858.

Knittel K, Boetius A (2009). The anaerobic oxidation of methane - progress with an unknown process. Annual Reviews of Microbiology 63:311–34

Boetius, A., S. Albrecht, K. Bakker, C. Bienhold, J. Felden, M. Fernández-Méndez, S. Hendricks, C. Katlein, C. Lalande, T. Krumpen, M. Nicolaus, I. Peeken, B. Rabe, A. Rogacheva, E. Rybakova, R. Somavilla, F. Wenzhöfer and the RV Polarstern ARK27-3-Shipboard Science Party, 2013. Massive export of algal biomass from the melting Arctic sea ice. Science, 339, 1430

Boetius, A., F. Wenzhöfer, 2013. Seafloor oxygen consumption fuelled by methane from cold seeps. Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo1926.

Ruff, S. E; J Biddle, A Teske, K Knittel, A Boetius, A Ramette, 2015. Global dispersion and local diversification of the methane seep microbiome, PNAS 112(13), 4015-4020

Boetius A, AM Anesio, JW Deming, JA Mikucki, JZ Rapp, 2015. Microbial ecology of the cryosphere: sea ice and glacial habitats. Nature Reviews Microbiology 13, 677–690

Wegener, G, V Krukenberg, D Riedel, HE Tegetmeyer, A Boetius, 2015. Intercellular wiring enables electron transfer between methanotrophic archaea and bacteria. Nature 526 (7574), 587-590

Jessen G. L., Lichtschlag A., Pantoja S., Ramette A., Wenzhöer F., Schubert C. J., Struck U. and Boetius A. (2017) Hypoxia causes preservation of labile organic matter and changes microbial community composition (Black Sea shelf) Science Advances Vol. 3, no. 2, e1601897 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1601897

Molari M. et al. and Boetius A. 2018. CO2 leakage alters biogeochemical and ecological functions of submarine sands. Science advances 10.1126/sciadv.aao2040
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