Elena Boldyreva - Biography#
Russian, born 04.02.1961 in Tomsk. Master: Novosibirsk State University (NSU), 1982. Ph.D: Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry (Novosibirsk) (ISSCM), 1988. Dr. Sci.: ISSM, 2000. Since 2004 is the Head of the Department of Solid State Chemistry of NSU. Since 2010 is a Chief Researcher of the ISSM and the Head of the Research Group on Reactivity of Solids. Spent many research terms in Europe, has given invited lectures at about 60 Institutes and Universities in Europe, USA, Asia and South Africa. Has given invited courses in Italy, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Spain. Was a lecturer at several International Schools of Crystallography and Director of the International School of High-Pressure Crystallography in 2009 (Erice, Italy). Has organized many International Advanced Study Workshops in Russia and abroad. Recent ones - "Frontiers of Crystallography" (Novosibirsk, 2013, 65 young participants from Russia, Europe, Japan, Canada, Africa and 15 foreign lecturers) and a Russia – UK Workshop “Molecular materials: from fundamentals to applications” (Novosibirsk, February 2015, 40 young participants from Russia and UK). Supervised over 20 Master and 12 PhD students, co-supervised 6 Master students from UK. Presently supervises PhD students from UK and Italy affiliated with NSU. In 2017 was elected a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Slovenia (http://www.sazu.si/en/members/jelena-vladimirovna-boldireva

Member of International Advisory Committee on the Reactivity of Solids, European Crystallographic Association, International Mechanochemical Association, American Chemical Society, National Committee of Russian Crystallographers, International Committee on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, International Association of Physical Chemists, German Crystallographic Society, European High Pressure Research Group. A co-Editor of the Z. Kristallogr. & Acta Crystallogr. E, a member of the Editorial Boards of High Press. Res., J. Therm. Analys. Calorim., Pharmacologia. Was a member of the Selection Committees for Ewald, Perutz, Bertaut Prizes. From 2008 till 2014 was an elected member of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Crystallography, IUCr. A member of the IUCr Commissions on High Pressure and on Teaching. A Member of the Advisory Council on Science of the Russian Ministry of Science and Education. A Member of the President Advisory Council on Science and Education (2012-2014), a member of the Advisory Council on Science of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (2014 - 2017).