
Pascale Braconnot - Biography#

Pascale Braconnot is a senior CEA scientist. She has a 22-year expertise in climate modelling. Her scientific activity ranges from ranges from coupled ocean‐atmosphere model development to the use of these coupled models in different climatic contexts. She is a specialist or ocean-atmosphere coupling and has contributed to the development of the IPSL Earth System Model. Her scientific activity is shared between the development of this model, and the exploitation of climate simulation to understand past, present and future climate variations. Her main interest is in monsoon and ENSO activity in the Tropics and how these phenomenon change as a function of external forcings or modification of the background climate state. Since 2001, she co-coordinates the Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison project, supported by WCRP/ Working group on coupled models and IGBP PAGES. This project allows to test our understanding of climate change and the ability of climate models to represent a climate different from the modern one. She has been in charge of the Institut Pierre Laplace modelling pole (2001-2008) and of the LSCE modelling theme (5 teams, 34 permanent people). She is one of the national coordinator of the French project on climate change projections and is strongly involved in different national panels. She is a member of the WCRP/CLIVAR JCS and IGBP/PAGES SSC. She is also strongly involved in science communication and multi-disciplinary projects. She was involved as a lead author in the IPCC AR4 report (chapter 9: “Understanding, detection and attribution of climate change”) and IPCC AR5 report (chapter 9: “model evaluation”). She was awarded the EGU Milutin Milankovich Medal in 2009 and the Légion d’honneur in 2012
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