
Javier Caceres - Selected Publications#

1. Macias,S.±, Cordiner,R.A.±, Gautier,P., Plass,M. and Cáceres,J.F. (2015) DGCR8 acts as an adaptor for the exosome complex to degrade double-stranded structured RNAs. Mol. Cell, 60, 873–885. ±Joint First authors

2. Hug,N. and Cáceres,J.F. (2014) The RNA helicase DHX34 activates NMD by promoting a transition from the surveillance to the decay-inducing complex. Cell Rep.,8, 1845-1856.

3. Maslon,M.M. ±, Heras,S.R. ±, Bellora,N., Eyras,E. and Cáceres,J.F. (2014)
The translational landscape of the splicing factor SRSF1 and its role in mitosis. eLife, 3, e02028. ±Joint First authors

4. Heras,S.R.±, Macias,S.±, Plass,M., Fernandez,N., Cano,D., Eyras,E., Garcia-Perez,J.L.* and Cáceres,J.F.* (2013) The Microprocessor controls the activity of mammalian retrotransposons. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 20, 1173–1181.
±Joint First authors | *Co-corresponding authors

5. Macias,S., Plass,M., Stajuda,A., Michlewski,G., Eyras,E. and Cáceres,J.F. (2012) DGCR8 HITS-CLIP reveals novel cellular functions for the microprocessor. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 19, 760-766.

6. Michlewski,G. and Cáceres,J.F. (2010) Antagonistic role of hnRNP A1 and KSRP in the regulation of Let-7a biogenesis. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 17, 1011-1018.

7. Michlewski,G.*, Guil,S*., Semple,C. and Cáceres,J.F. (2008) Posttranscriptional regulation of miRNAs harboring conserved terminal loops. Mol Cell, 32, 383-393. *Joint First authors

8. Michlewski,G., Sanford,J.R. and Cáceres,J.F. (2008) The splicing factor SF2/ASF regulates translation initiation by enhancing phosphorylation of 4E-BP1. Mol Cell, 30, 179-189.

9. Guil,S. and Cáceres,J.F. (2007) The multifunctional RNA-binding protein hnRNP A1 is required for processing of miR-18a. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 14, 591-596.

10. Longman,D., Plasterk,R.H., Johnstone,I.L. and Cáceres,J.F. (2007) Mechanistic insights and identification of two novel factors in the C. elegans NMD pathway. Genes Dev., 21,1075-1085.

Metrics (as of June 2016)

Total number of citations: 7,296
Average Citations per Item: 99.79
h-index: 38
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