Manuel Cardona - Curriculum vitae#
Born September 7, 1934 in Barcelona, Spain
Married to Inge HECHT, 3 children
- 1950 - 55 Student at the University of Barcelona, Physics Department, Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas, June 1955
- 1955 - 58 University of Madrid, Physics Department, Doctor of Sciences, June 1958
- 1956 - 58 PhD Candidate at Harvard University, PhD in Applied Physics, 1959
- 1955 - 56 Instructor for Electronics, University of Madrid
- 1956 - 59 Research Assistant, Harvard University
- 1959 - 61 Member of the Technical Staff, RCA Laboratories Ltd., Zürich, Switzerland
- 1961 - 64 Member of the Technical Staff, RCA Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
- Spring 1963 Visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, USA
- 1964 - 66 Associate Professor of Physics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
- 1966 - 71 Professor of Physics, Brown University
- 1971 - 2000 Scientific Member and Director, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
- 1973 - 74 Business Managing Director, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
- 1972 - 76 Member of the Advisory Board, High Magnetic Fields Laboratory, Braunschweig, Germany
- 1975 - 78 Member of the Scientific Council, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
- 1977 - 83 Member of the Advisory Board, Institute of Surface Physics Research, Jülich,Germany
- 1980 - 86 Elected Member of the Committee for Condensed Matter, German National Science Foundation
- 1979 - 83 Member of the Semiconductors' Commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
- 1982 - 85 Member of the Board of the Condensed Matter Division European Physical Society
- 1982 - 88 Member of the Council, German Physical Society
- 1984 - 87 Member of Steering Committee, Int. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy
- 1988 - 93 Chairman of the Scientiffic Council of the Material Science Institute, Spanish National Research Council
- 1993 - 98 Chairman of the Scientiffic Council, Paul Drude Institut, Berlin
- 1994 Member of the Board of Electors of the Cavendish Professor
- 1996 - 2002 Chairman, International Union of Pure Applied Physics (IUPAP), Semiconductor Commission
- 1999 -2002 Member, National Committee for the Evaluation of Research of the French Republic (CNER)
- 1999 - 2003 Member of the Scientiffic Council, Instituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFM), Italy
- 2000 Director Emeritus, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
Honors and Awards
- 1956 - 57 Smith-Mundt-Grant
- 1956 Spanish National Prize for Natural Sciences
- 1957 - 58 Juan-March Foundation Fellowship in the United States
- 1958 - 59 Bell Telephone Laboratories Fellowship
- 1962 RCA Laboratories Prize
- 1964 American Physical Society, Fellow
- Summer 1965 Ford Foundation Visiting Professor, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 1965 - 68 A.D. Sloan Fellowship
- 1969 - 70 Guggenheim Fellowship, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
- 1973 Honorary Professor, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- 1982 N. Monturiol Medal, Government of Catalonia
- 1983 Fellow, Yamada Foundation
- 1984 American Physical Society, Frank Isakson Prize
- 1984 Fellow, Japanese Society of Promotion of Sciences
- 1984 Corresponding Member, Acad. Sci. of Barcelona
- 1985 Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- 1985 Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
- 1987 Member, National Academy of Sciences of the USA
- 1987 Grand Cross of Alfonso X el Sabio, Spain
- 1988 Miller Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley,
- 1988 Prize "Principe de Asturias", Spain
- 1988 Joannes Marcus Marci von Kronland medal, Czech. Spectroscopy Society, Prague
- 1989 Orvin E. Foster distinguished lecturer, State University of New York at Buffalo
- 1990 Prize for Scientific Research, Catalonian Research Foundation, Barcelona
- 1990 Honorary Professor, University of Konstanz
- 1991 Ian Spain memorial lecturer, Colorado State University, Sept. 1991
- 1991 Member, Academia Europaea
- 1992 Medaglia Teresiana, University of Pavia, Italy
- 1992 Excellence Award for Superconductivity, World Congress on Superconductivity, München
- 1993 Italgas Prize for Research in Materials Science and Technology, Turin
- 1994 Doctor Honoris Causa, Sherbrooke University, Canada
- 1994 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Regensburg, Germany
- 1994 A.W. Scott Memorial Lecturer, University of Cambridge, England
- 1994 Max Planck Research Prize (with E.E. Haller, U.C. Berkeley)
- 1995 Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Roma, Italy
- 1995 Corresponding Member, Royal Academy of Sciences, Spain
- 1997 John Wheatley Prize, American Physical Society
- 1998 Doctor Honoris Causa, Universit¶e de Toulouse, France
- 1999 E. Mach Honorary Medal for Merit in the Physical Sciences, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- 2000 Miller Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley, 3 months
- 2000 Original Member, ISI Highly Cited Researchers Database, Philadelphia
- 2001 Sir Nevill Mott Medal and Prize, Institute of Physics, London
- 2001 Air New Zealand Lecturer
- 2001 J. Lannin Lecturer, Pennsylvania State University
- 2001 Doctor Honoris Causa, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2001 Fellow, Institute of Physics, London
- 2001 Fellow, World Innovation Foundation, UK
- 2002 Doctor Honoris Causa, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- 2003 Honorary Member, A.F. Io®e Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 2003 Adjunct Professor, Arizona State University
- 2003 Corresponding Member, Mexican Academy of Sciences
- 2004 Honorary Chairman, 27th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, Flagstaff, Arizona
- 2004 Member, Global Photonics Advisory Board, CUNY (New York)
- 2004 Matteucci Medal, Italian National Academy of Sciences
- 2004 Blaise Pascal Medal, European Academy of Sciences
- 2005 Doctor Honoris Causa Universitat de Valµencia, Spain
- 2006 Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain
- 2008 Foreign Member, Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome
- 2008 Gold Medal "Alessandro Volta", University of Pavia, Italy
- 2008 Outstanding Referee Award, American Physical Society
- 2009 Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
Member of the Board of Editors of the following journals:
- from 1972 Physica Status Solidi
- from 1972 Solid State Communications
- from 1989 Solid State Communications, Associate Editor-in-Chief
- 1974-1978 Journal of Physics C
- 1988-1992 Journal of Physics, Condensed Matter
- 1989-1992 Physical Review Letters, Divisional Associate Editor
- 1992-2005 Solid State Communications, Editor-in-Chief
Author of over 1270 scientiffic publications in international journals, ten monographs on solid state physics and a textbook on semiconductors, with P.Y. Yu, (third edition appeared 2003; corrected and reprinted in 2005).
Professor Cardona made the Current Contents List of the 300 most quoted scientists in 1978. He has also been included in the 1981 list of 1000 most quoted scientists. According to the ISI Citations Web Database, Philadelphia (