
Pierre Chambon - List of publications#

  • S. Green, P. Walter, V. Kumar, A. Krust, J.M. Bornert, P. Argos, and P. Chambon. Human oestrogen cDNA: sequence, expression, and homology to v-erb-A. Nature 320:134-139, 1986.
  • M. Petkovich, N.J. Brand, A. Krust, and P. Chambon. A human retinoic acid receptor which belongs to the family of nuclear receptors. Nature 330:444-450, 1987.
  • V. Kumar, S. Green, G. Stack, M. Berry, J.R. Jin and P. Chambon. Functional domains of the human estrogen receptor. Cell 51: 941-951, 1987.
  • M. Leid, P. Kastner, R. Lyons, H. Nakshatri, M. Saunders, T. Zacharewski, J.Y. Chen, A. Staub, J.M. Garnier, S. Mader, and P. Chambon. Purification, cloning, and RXR identity of the HeLa cell factor with which RAR or TR heterodimerizes to bind target sequences efficiently. Cell 68:377-395, 1992.
  • W. Bourguet, M. Ruff, P. Chambon, H. Gronemeyer, and D. Moras. Crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the human receptor RXR. Nature 375:377-382, 1995.
  • S. Kato, H. Endoh, T. Masuhiro, T. Kitamoto, S. Uchiyama, H. Sasaki, S. Masushige, Y. Gotoh, E. Nishida, H. Kawashima, *D. Metzger, and P. Chambon. Activation of the estrogen receptor through phosphorylation by mitogenactivated protein kinase. Science 270:1491-1494, 1995.
  • D. Metzger, A. Indra, M. Li, B. Chapellier, C. Calleja, N.B. Ghyselinck and P. Chambon. Targeted conditional somatic mutagenesis in the mouse: temporally-controlled knock out of retinoid receptors in epidermal keratinocytes. ethods in Enzymology (2003) 364, 379-408.
  • M. Li, P. Hener, Z. Zhang, S. Kato, D. Metzger and P. Chambon. Topical vitamin D3 and low-calcemic analogs induce thymic stromal lymphopoietin in mouse keratinocytes and trigger an atopic dermatitis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2006) 103, 11736-11741.
  • C. Calleja, N. Messaddeq, B. Chapellier, H. Yang, W. Krezel, M. Li, D. Metzger, B. Mascrez, K. Ohta, H. Kagechika, Y. Endo, M. Mark, N.B. Ghyselinck and P. Chambon. Genetic and pharmacological evidence that a retinoic acid cannot be the RXR-activating ligand in mouse epidermis keratinocytes. Genes and Dev. (2006) 20, 1525-1538.
  • P. Chambon. How I became one of the fathers of a superfamily. Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award. Nature Medicine 10:1027-1031, 2004.
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