
Jean-Pierre Changeux - List of publications#

Changeux is author of more than 675 scientific articles and several books, technical or for general audiences.

Books by Jean-Pierre Changeux
  • 2008 Du vrai, du beau, du bien : Une nouvelle approche neuronale
  • 2004 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: From Molecular Biology to Cognition
  • 2002 L'homme de verite (2004 The physiology of truth)
  • 1998 Ce qui nous fait penser (2002 What Makes Us Think. A Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue About Ethics, Human Nature, and the Brain
  • 1994 Raison et plaisir
  • 1989 Matière à pensée
  • 1995 Conversations on Mind, Matter and Mathematics
  • 1983 L'homme neuronal (1985 Neuronal Man: The Biology of Mind)

Scientific publications of historical significance
  • Monod, J.; Wyman, J.; Changeux, J. P. (1965). "On the Nature of Allosteric Transitions: A Plausible Model". Journal of Molecular Biology 12: 88–118. doi:10.1016/S0022-2836(65)80285-6. PMID 14343300. edit (in which Jacques Monod, Jeffries Wyman and Jean-Pierre Changeux presented the concerted model of allosteric transitions, that explained the cooperativity exhibited by many allosteric proteins, such as hemoglobin)
  • Changeux J.-P., Kasai M., Huchet M., Meunier J.-C. (1970). Extraction à partir du tissu électrique de gymnote d'une protéine présentant plusieurs propriétés caractéristiques du récepteur physiologique de l'acétylcholine. C. R. Acad. Sci. 270D: 2864-2867. (the first purification of a neurotransmitter receptor. Since the article is in French, most people quote the description of the toxin that allowed the receptor to be identified: Changeux, J.; Kasai, M.; Lee, C. (1970). "Use of a snake venom toxin to characterize the cholinergic receptor protein". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 67 (3): 1241–1247. doi:10.1073/pnas.67.3.1241. PMC 283343. PMID 5274453. edit
  • Changeux, J.; Courrège, P.; Danchin, A. (1973). "A theory of the epigenesis of neuronal networks by selective stabilization of synapses". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 70 (10): 2974–2978. doi:10.1073/pnas.70.10.2974. PMC 427150. PMID 4517949. edit (In which the authors develop a formal model of synapse selection, precursor of the "neural darwinism". This is the original work, although most people quote the subsequent review (better suited to a non-specialist audience and presenting the biological context): Changeux JP, Danchin A (1976) Nature, 264 (1976) 705—712.)

Number of papers: 675
Sum of the Times Cited: 108 925
h-index: 164

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