Maria Chudnovsky - Curriculum Vitae#

  • 1996 B.A. Summa Cum Laude, Technion
  • 1999 M.Sc, Technion, "Systems of Disjoint Representatives"
  • 2003 Ph.D., Princeton University , "Berge Trigraphs and Their Applications"

Honors and Awards
  • Henry Burchard Fine Professor of Mathematics (01/16/2022-06/30/2022)
  • NSF DMS-EPSRC Grant DMS-2120644 (2021 - 2024)
  • NSF Grant DMS-1763817 (2018-2021)
  • US Army Research Office Grant W911NF-16-1-0404 (2016 - 2020)
  • Invited speaker, Combinatorics Section, International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul 2014
  • MacArthur Foundation Fellowship (2013 - 2017)
  • NSF Grant DMS-1265803 (2013 - 2018, now DMS-1550991)
  • NSF Grant IIS-1117631 (2011 - 2014, joint with Tony Jebara)
  • NSF Grant DMS-1001091 (2010 - 2013)
  • D.R. Fulkerson Prize (2009, joint with Neil Robertson, Paul Seymour and Robin Thomas)
  • NSF Grant DMS-0758364 (2008 - 2011)
  • Ostrowski research stipend (2004)
  • Clay Mathematics Institute Research Fellowship (2003 - 2008)

Editorial boards: Journal of Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Journal of Computer and System Sci- ences, Journal of Combinatorical Theory, Series B, Advances in Combinatorics

Scientific Advisory Boards: MFO (Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics), BIRS (Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery), Georgia Tech ACO Program.

Academic Advisory Committee: Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

Outreach Activities:
  • “Math-life balance” YouTube channel, an interview
  • Panelist at “The limit does not exist”, National Museum of Mathematics, New York, NY
  • Featured Speaker at Mathcounts Manhattan, New York, NY
  • “Numberphile” YouTube channel, two video lectures; 250K views combined
  • MoMath Math Encounters Lecture, National Museum of Mathematics, New York, NY
  • Institute for Advanced Study Women and Mathematics Program Orginizing Commit- tee member
  • Adviser, Career Advancement Workshop for Female Scientists, Rockefeller University; organized by Israel ScienceAbroad Program
  • Featured in “Stem Gems” by Stephanie Espy, #GiveGirlsRoleModles Campaign

PhD Students:
  • Yori Zwols (PhD 2010, now at Google DeepMind)
  • Alexandra Fradkin (PhD 2011, now at Classical Academy, Bryn-Mawr, PA)
  • Irena Penev (PhD 2012, now at Charles University)
  • Krzysztof Choromanski (PhD 2013, now at Google Research)
  • Matthieu Plumettaz (PhD 2014, now at Investment Technology Group)
  • Peter Maceli (PhD 2015, now at Ithaca College)
  • Mingxian Zhong (PhD 2018, now at CUNY)
  • Sophie Spirkl (PhD 2018, now at University of Waterloo)
  • Cemil Dibek (PhD 2021, joint with Amirali Ahmadi)
  • Tara Abrishami (in progress)
  • Yaqian Tang (in progress)

MSc Students:
  • Mingxian Zhong (2013)
  • Juba Ziani (2013)

  • Sophie Sprikl (now at University of Waterloo)
  • Aurelie Lagoutte (now University Clermont-Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France) • Bernard Ries (now at University if Fribourg)
  • Andrew King (now at D-Wave Systems)
  • Juraj Stacho (now at Google)
  • Radoslav Fulek (now at Institute of Science and Technology Austria)

  • Over 130 publications

Invited talks
  • Numerous invited talks.

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