Adam Frederik Cohen - Publications#


Selected publications

Randomized trial of intravenous streptokinase, oral aspirin, both, or neither among 17,187 cases of suspected acute myocardial infarction: ISIS-2* Lancet 332;1988:349-360

Lamotrigine, a new anticonvulsant: pharmacokinetics in normal humans
AF Cohen, GS Land, DD Breimer, WC Yuen, C Winton, AW Peck Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 42 (5), 535-541 Cited by 314

Cognitive performance and serotonergic function in users of ecstasy
RJ Verkes, HJ Gijsman, MSM Pieters, RC Schoemaker, S de Visser, .Psychopharmacology 153 (2), 196-202 Cited by 287

Efficacy and safety of RPL554, a dual PDE3 and PDE4 inhibitor, in healthy volunteers and in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: findings from four …
LG Franciosi, Z Diamant, KH Banner, R Zuiker, N Morelli, IMC Kamerling, ...
The lancet Respiratory medicine 1 (9), 714-727 (Cited by 143)

Vaccination during myeloid cell depletion by cancer chemotherapy fosters robust T cell responses
MJ Welters, TC van der Sluis, H van Meir, NM Loof, VJ van Ham, ...
Science translational medicine 8 (334), 334ra52-334ra52 (Cited by 137)
Implications of the BIA‐102474‐101 study for review of first‐into‐human clinical trials
M Eddleston, AF Cohen, DJ Webb British journal of clinical pharmacology 81 (4), 582-586 (Cited by 59)

Accelerating vaccine trial conduct in a pandemic with a hot spot‐based inclusion strategy using trial and epidemic simulation JL van der Plas, MJ van Esdonk, IMC Kamerling, AF Cohen Clinical and translational science 14 (6), 2391-2398

Good Clinical Trials by removing defensive interpretation of Good Clinical Practice guidelines
JM den Heijer, JAAC Heuberger, H Hijma, AC Kruithof, J van Smeden, ... Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2021;(March):1–8

The future of clinical trial design: the transition from hard endpoints to value-based endpointsMD Kruizinga, FE Stuurman, GJ Groeneveld, AF Cohen Concepts and Principles of Pharmacology, 371-397

Development of novel, value-based, digital endpoints for clinical trials: a structured approach toward fit-for-purpose validation MD Kruizinga, FE Stuurman, V Exadaktylos, RJ Doll, DT Stephenson, ...Pharmacological Reviews 72 (4), 899-909

Effects of erythropoietin on cycling performance of well trained cyclists: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial JAAC Heuberger, JI Rotmans, P Gal, FE Stuurman, J van't Westende, ...The Lancet Haematology 4 (8), e374-e38

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