Avelino Corma#
Membership Number: | 1724 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 1996 |
Main Country of Residence: | SPAIN |
Homepage(s): | http://www.upv.es/itq |
Present and Previous Positions
- 1990 - Founder and Director of Instituto de Tecnología Química (CSIC) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- 1987- Research Professor, Int. Catálisis y Petroleoquímica (CSIC), Madrid (Spain)
- 1979-1986 Scientific Researcher, Int. Catálisis y Petroleoquímica (CSIC), Madrid (Spain)
- 1977-1979 PostDoc, Queen’s University, Canada
- 1976 Ph. D. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- 1973 B.S.C. Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
Fields of Scholarship
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Microporous materials as catalysts
- Mesoporous materials as catalysts
- Hibrid organic-inorganic catalysts
Honours and Awards
- Dupont Award on “Materials Science” (1995)
- Spain National Award (1995)
- F. Ciapetta Award of the North American Catalysis Society (1998)
- King Jaime I Award on “New Technologies” (2000)
- F. Gault European Award on “Catalysis” (2001)
- Houdry Award of the North American Catalysis Society (2002)
- Breck Award of the International Zeolite Association (2004)
- Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry of Spain (2005)
- National Award on Science and Technology of México (2006)
- Alwin Mittasch Prize of Dechema (2006)
- Boudart Award in Advanced Catalysis (2009) given by the North American and European Catalysis Societies
- A.V. Humboldt Research Award (2009)
- Eni Award 2010