
Alexandra Cornilescu - Curriculum Vitae#

Previous positions (academic and administrative), grants, fellowships, invited speaker:
  • Teaching fellowships outside of the University of Bucharest:
    • March 2009 – Lectures at the PhD School, University Paris 8 "Saint Denis"
    • April 2005 - University of Tilburg, Erasmus Professor
    • July-August 2003 - EGG Professor (EGG - Eastern Europe Generative Grammar), Cluj-Napoca
    • April-May 2002 - Invited professor, University Paris 7
    • October 2001 - January 2006 - Invited Professor at "Al. I. Cuza" University, Faculty of Informatics, Jassy, MA Programme
    • February-March 2000 - Invited professor, University Paris 7

Classes taught:
  • BA Programme: Concepts of Modern Grammar; The Syntax of English: complementation; the root clause; The Syntax and Semantics of the English Nominal Phrase; Tense and Aspect in English; Lexical Semantics; Cognitive Pragmatics; Relevance Theory; Syntactic Structure and Information Structure: the syntax of the subject
  • MA Programme: Functional Grammar and Didactics; Discourse Representation Theory; Rhetoric Relations in DRT; Theory and method in Syntax; Elements of Formal Semantics: Montague Grammars; The Syntax of the Adjectival Phrase; The Syntax of the Direct Object; The Syntax of the English Verb
  • PhD School: Theoretical Syntax; Intentionality and Pragmatics


1. The Transformational Syntax of English. The Complex Sentence, Bucharest, 1976, 626 p.
2. English Syntax. The Complex Sentence, Bucharest, 1982, (second edition 1986), 616 p.
3. Elements of English Sentence Pragmatics (with Prof. D. Chitoran),Bucharest, 1985, 369 p.
4. Elements of English Sentence Semantics (with Prof. D. Chitoran), Bucharest, 1986, 467 p.
5. The Theory of Speech Acts, Jassy, 1994, 243 p.
6. Concepts of Modern Grammar, Bucharest, 1994, 402 p.; second edition, revised, 2006
7. Montague Grammar and the Analysis of Relative Clauses, Bucharest, 1996
8. Accuracy and Fluency, Infinitives, Gerunds, Participles, Jassy, 1996
9. The Grammar of English Infinitives, Jassy, 2000
10. Complementation in English, A Minimalist Perspective, Bucharest, 2003, 504 p., second edition, 2004
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