
Eveline A. Crone - Biography#

Eveline Crone obtained her master’s degree from the University of Amsterdam in 1999. Her curriculum included a research internship at the University of Pittsburgh (working on neuroimaging studies in children under B. J. Casey). She received her PhD (cum laude) from the University of Amsterdam in 2003. Subsequently she spent two years as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California Davis. In 2005 she took a position as assistant professor at Leiden University. In 2008 she was offered the position of associate professor and a year later, in 2009, she was appointed full professor of Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology and, concurrently, professor of Neurocognitive and Affective Adolescent Development at the University of Amsterdam, by special appointment of the Neurofederation. In Leiden, professor Crone set up the Brain and Development laboratory. Her current research centers around questions related to the development of cognitive control and decision-making in school-aged children and adolescents.

Apart from her professional impact, she is successfully 'reaching out to community', by means of television and radio appearances, press interviews, invited lectures and demonstrations, and popular publications, including two successful books on the adolescent brain.

Professionally, she has been extraordinarily successful in getting her research supported: since 2004 she has received altogether well over € 5 million in grants and awards from a variety of sources, including NWO, ERC and ESF. Crone was elected as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in 2013.
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