
Eveline A. Crone - Selected publications#

Crone, E.A. & Dahl, R.E. (2012). Understanding adolescence as a period of social–affective engagement and goal flexibility. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 13, 636-650. [Impact Factor = 30.5]

Crone, E. A., Wendelken, C., Donohue, S. E., Van Leijenhorst, L., & Bunge, S. A. (2006). Neurocognitive development of the ability to manipulate information in working memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103, 9325-9330. [IF = 9.4]

Koolschijn, P. C.. M. P., Schel, M. A., De Rooij, M., Rombouts, S. A. R. B. & Crone, E. A. (2011). A three-year longitudinal functional magnetic resonance imaging study of performance monitoring and test-retest reliability from childhood to early adulthood. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 4204-4212. [IF = 8.2]

Güroğlu, B., van den Bos, W., van Dijk, E., Rombouts, S.A.R.B. & Crone, E. A. (2011). Dissociable brain networks involved in development of fairness considerations: Understanding intentionality behind unfairness. Neuroimage, 57, 634-641. [IF = 7.2]

Van Leijenhorst, L., Zanolie, K., Van Meel, C. S., Westenberg, P. M., Rombouts, S. A. R. B. & Crone E. A. (2009). What motivates the adolescent? Brain regions mediating reward sensitivity in adolescence. Cerebral Cortex, 20, 61-69. [IF = 7.0]

Van den Bos, W., Van Dijk. E., Westenberg, P. M. & Crone, E. A. (2009). What motivates repayment? Neural mechanisms underlying reciprocity in the Trust Game. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 4, 294-304. [IF = 4.2]

Crone, E. A., Jennings, J. R., & Van der Molen, M. W. (2004). Developmental change in feedback processing as reflected by phasic heart rate changes. Developmental Psychology, 40, 1228-1238. [IF = 3.6]

Two widely read books in Dutch for the general reader:

Crone, E. A. (2012). Het sociale brein van de puber. Uitgeverij Bert Bakker/Prometheus. [The social brain of the adolescent]

Crone, E. A. (2008). Het puberende brein. UItgeverij Bert Bakker/Prometheus. [Nominated for the NWO Eureka Prize 2009; over 75000 copies sold (26th print); Translations to date (March 2013): German, Danish, Italy, Hebrew and Chinese]

Publication statistics on the basis of bibliography (March 2013) and a PoP scan (7 May 2013)
Papers: 96 (English), 6 (Dutch), Citations: 4421, Years: 15, h-index: 32, hI,norm: 18
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