
Vincenzo Crupi - Selected Publications#

1. VINDROLA F. and CRUPI V. (2022). Bayesians too should follow Wason: A comprehensive accuracy-based analysis of the selection task. Forthcoming in the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.

2. CRUPI V. and IACONA A. (2022). On the logical form of concessive conditionals. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 51: 633-651.

3. CRUPI V. and IACONA A. (2022). Three ways of being non-material. Studia Logica, 110: 47-93.

4. CRUPI V. and IACONA A. (2022). The evidential conditional. Erkenntnis, 87: 2897–2921.

5. CRUPI V., ELIA F., APRÀ F., and TENTORI K. (2018). Double conjunction fallacies in physicians’ probability judgment. Medical Decision Making, 38: 756-760.

6. CRUPI V., NELSON J.D., MEDER B., CEVOLANI G., and TENTORI K. (2018). Generalized information theory meets human cognition: Introducing a unified framework to model uncertainty and information search. Cognitive Science, 42: 1410-1456.

7. CRUPI V., CHATER N., and TENTORI K. (2013). New axioms for probability and likelihood ratio measures. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 64: 189-204.

8. CRUPI V. (2013/2021). Confirmation. In E. Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

9. CRUPI V. and TENTORI K. (2012). A second look at the logic of explanatory power (with two novel representation theorems). Philosophy of Science, 79: 365-385.

10. MOTTERLINI M. and CRUPI V. (2005). Decisioni mediche. Un punto di vista cognitivo. Raffaello Cortina, Milano.

h-index: 21; i10-index: 33

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