
Péter Dávidházi - Selected publications#

The Romantic Cult of Shakespeare: Literary Reception in Anthropological Perspective, Basingstoke és London, New York, St. Martin’s Press: Macmillan 1998, XIV, 240 p. (Romanticism in Perspective: Texts, Cultures, Histories. Series editors: Marilyn GAULL, Stephen PRICKETT.)

Egy nemzeti tudomány születése: Toldy Ferenc és a magyar irodalomtörténet, [The Birth of a National Discipline: Ferenc Toldy and Hungarian Literary History]] Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, Universitas Kiadó, 2004, 1028 p. (Irodalomtudomány és kritika. Series editors: TARNAI Andor, SZÖRÉNYI László.)

Abstammungsmythen in der ungarischen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung = Geschichtliche Mythen in den Literaturen und Kulturen Ostmittel- und Südosteuropas, Hrsgg. Eva BEHRING, Ludwig RICHTER, Wolfgang F. SCHWARZ, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 1999, 347–356.

“He drew the Liturgy, and Framed the Rites”: The Changing Role of Religious Disposition in Shakespeare’s Reception, Shakespeare Survey, vol. 54, 2001, 46–56.

Camel, Weasel, Whale: The Cloud-Scene in Hamlet as a Hungarian Parable = Shifting the Scene: Shakespeare in European Culture, eds. Ladina BEZZOLA, Balz ENGLER, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2004, 95–110.

Weimar, Shakespeare and the Birth of Hungarian Literary History, Shakespeare Jahrbuch, Band 141, Hrsg. Ina SCHABERT, Bochum, Verlag und Druckkontor Kamp GmbH, 2005, 98–118.

A Monumental Inscription: The Transcultural Heritage of Swift’ Epitaph = Moment to Monument: The Making and Unmaking of Cultural Significance, eds. Ladina BEZZOLA LAMBERT, Andrea OCHSNER in collaboration with Regula HOHL TRILLINI, Jennifer JERMANN and Markus MARTI, Bielefeld, transcript, 2009 ([transcript]] cultural studies, 32), 51–69.

The Ways of God and Shakespeare: Cult and Criticism in Pope’s Defensive Arguments = Cult, Community, Identity, eds. Veera RAUTAVUOMA, Urpo KOVALA, Eeva HAVERINEN, Research Centre for Contemporary Culture 97, University of Jyväskylä, 2009, 37–58.

The Uses of Biblical Narrative: Gyula Illyés and the Making of a National Poet = Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 16, 2010/1–2 (Spring–Fall), 11–22.

“Can these bones live?”: “The Waste Land”, Ezekiel and Hungarian poetry = Confrontations and Interactions: Essays on Cultural Memory, eds. Bálint GÁRDOS, Ágnes PÉTER, Natália PIKLI, Máté VINCE, Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2011, 87–121.

Of the reviews in English, see Charles Lock: The Romantic Cult of Shakespeare: Literary Reception in Anthropological Perspective. Literary Research / Recherche Littéraire. Vol. 16 no. 32. (Fall–Winter) 1999. 288–290.

For recent recommendations of Dávidházi's work see for example The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare, edited by Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells, Oxford University Press, p. 35.
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