
Didier Demolin - Selected publications#

Demolin, D. et A. Soquet. (1999). The Role of Self-Organization in the Emergence of Phonological Systems. Evolution of Communication, 3. 5-29.

Soquet A., Lecuit V., Metens T. and Demolin D. (2002). Mid-sagittal cut area function transformations: direct measurements of mid-sagittal distance and area with MRI. Speech Communication 36, 3-4. 169-180.

Demolin, D. (2002a). The search for primitives in phonology and the explanation of sound patterns: the contribution of fieldwork studies. In C. Gussenhoven and N. Warner (eds.), Papers in Laboratory Phonology 7. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 355-434.

Demolin, D., H. Ngonga and A. Soquet. (2002b). Phonetic Characteristics of an Unexploded Palatal Implosive in Hendo. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 32, 1. 1-17.

Demolin, D. Hassid, S. Metens T. and Soquet A. (2002c). Real Time MRI and articulatory coordination in speech. In Model-driven acquisition : Acquisition conduite par le modèle, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Biologie 325, 547-556.

Demolin, D., Delvaux, V., Metens, T. and Soquet, A. (2003). Determination of the Velum Opening for French Nasal Vowels by Magnetic Resonance. Journal of Voice, 17, 4. 454-467.

Demolin, D. (2007). Phonological Universals and the control and regulation of speech production. In: Solé, M-J., Ohala, M. & Beddor, P. (Eds.) Experimental approaches to phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 75-92.

Demolin, D. (2008). The Frame/content Theory and the emergence of consonants. In: Zjado, K. & Davis, B. (Eds.) The syllable in Speech Production. Oxford: Laurence Earlbaum. 93-110.

Demolin, D. & Metens, T. (2009). L’imagerie par resonance magnétique en temps réel pour l’étude de la parole. In A. Marchal & C. Cavé (eds.). Techniques d’imagerie médicale pour l’étude de la parole. Paris. Hermès. 257-271.

Storto, L. & Demolin, D. (2012). The phonetics and phonology of South American languages. In L. Campbell & V. Grondona (Eds.) The Indigenous Languages of South America. A comprehensive Guide. De Gruyter Mouton. Berlin/Boston. 331-390.
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