
Sergey Deyev-Selected Publications#

  • Deyev S.M, Waibel R., Lebedenko EN, Schubiger A.P., Plueckthun A. Design of multivalent complexes using the barnase·barstar module. // Nature Biotechnology. 2003. V. 21. No. 12. P. 1486·l-192.
  • Deev S.M, Combriato G., Klobeck HG., Zacharz HG, Reciprocal recombination products of V—J joining reactions in human lymphoid cell lines // Nucl. Acids Res. 1987. V.15. _1. P.1-14.
  • Deyev S.M, Polanavsky OL. Expression of chimeric immunoglobulin genes in mammalian cells. // Antibody Engineering Protocols: Methods in Molecular Biology / Ed. J .M,Walker. Totowa. New Jersey: Humana Press. 1995. V.51. P.251-264.
  • Martsev S.P., Kravchuk ZL, Chumanevich A.A., Vlasov A.1’., Dubnovitsky A.P., Bespalov LA., Arosio P., Deyev S.M Antiferritin single-chain antibody: a functional protein with incomplete folding? // FEBS Letters, 1998. V.441. 3. P.458-462.
  • Deyev S.M, Yczzynin S.A., Kuznetsov D.A., Jueovic M., Hartley R. W. Ribonuelease-charged vector for facile direct cloning with positive selection // Mol. Gen, Genet. 1998. V.259. _4. P.379-382.
  • Martsev S.P., Dubnovilsky A.P., Stremovsky O.A., Chumarzevich A.A, Tsybovskcy Ya.I., Kravchuk Z. I., Deyev SJVL Partially structured state of the functional V1-I domain of the mouse anti-ferritin antibody F11. // FEBS Lett. 2002.V. 518. P.177-182.
  • Martsev SP., Tsybvvsky KI, Stremovsky OA., Odimsov Balandin TG., Arosio P.,Kravchuk Z1, Deyev S.M Fusion of the anti fenritin antibody VI. domain to barnase results in enhanced solubility and altered pH-stability // Protein Engineering, Design & Selection. 2004. V. 17. _ 1. P. 85-93.
  • Rodin D. V, Rad’ko B. V, Kolesrzikov VA., Polyanovsky OL., Deyev S.L Expression of the chimeric 1gE gene in cell culture and in various mouse tissues. // Biochimie. 2004. V. 86. P.939-943.
  • Glinkc: EM, Edelweiss Sapvz/mikov A.M, Deyev S.MC A new vector for controllable expression of an anti—HER2/neu mini-antibody-barnase fusion protein in 1·lEK 293'1` cells. // Gene. 2006. V. 17. No 366. P. 97-103.
  • Semenyuk E. G., Stremovskiy OA., Edelweiss E. F., Shirshikova O. V, Balandin TG.,Buryanov XL, Deyev S.M Expression of single-chain antibody-barstar fusion in plants //Biochimie. 2006 Aug 10; (Epub ahead of print)

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