
Presentations by Professor Djerassi#

Stamp of Djerassi
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Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. (no joke!) Carl Djerassi is a great much sought-after speaker.

His calendar of talks (which is hard to keep up-to-date) can be found here.

However, he also gives still two talks in the city of the writer of these lines in 2010:

September 16: Opening address at 4th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering (Satellite Symposium of the 8th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology) at Karl-Franzens University of Graz

December 3: (19:00) “Versteckte autobiographische Geheimnisse” for Kiwanis Club in Minoritensaal (Mariahilfer Platz 3) with associated book signing. For details please contact hmaurer@iicm.edu

For a full story behind the stamp: http://www.djerassi.com/stamp/index.html

Graz, H. Maurer, May 2010

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