
Sergio Doplicher - Curriculum Vitae#

  • Laurea in Physics Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza”, 1963
  • Since 2012, Professor emeritus
  • Full Professor of Quantum Mechanics, same place, from 1976 to 2011, courses on Quantum Mechanics and on Operator Algebras

Research activities at Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette (Paris, France), Princeton University (USA), Marseille University (France), Hamburg and Goettingen Universities (Germany), the Zentrum fuer Interdisziplinaere Forschung, Bielefeld (Germany), the Mittag-Leffler Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), the Fields Institute (Waterloo, later in Toronto, Canada), the Erwin Schroedinger Institut (Vienna, Austria), the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley, USA).

Researches on:

The algebraic formulation of Quantum Field Theory in terms of local observables, (earlier works with D.Kastler, I.M.Singer and T.Regge); the study of an intrinsic notion of Statistics, the first proof of the Spin Statisics Theorem solely based on first principles (collaborations with R. Haag and J.E.Roberts), and the existence and uniqueness of normally commuting fields and of a compact group of internal symmetries (collaborations with J.E.Roberts).

The last results required a new abstract duality theory for compact groups, characterizing the dual within abstract categories, as strict symmetric rigid C* categories with irreducible tensor unit (collaborations with J.E.Roberts).

Local aspects of superselection rules, which demanded a theory of standard and split inclusions of von Neumann algebras, developed with R. Longo. and a weak form of a quantum Noether Theorem (collaborations with R.Longo, D.Buchholz, C.D'Antoni, K.Fredenhagen, J.E.Roberts).

The quantum structure of spacetime at the Planck scale and the formulation of Quantum Field Theory on Quantum Spacetime (collaborations with K.Fredenhagen, D.Bahns, G.Morsella, G.Piacitelli, N.Pinamonti e J.E.Roberts).

Theory of Operator Algebras, C* and W*, and of actions on them by groups and by group duals, abstract aspects of duality theory for groups and quantum groups (collaborations with D.Kastler, R.V.Kadison, E.Stoermer, R. Longo, C.Pinzari, J.E.Roberts, D.W.Robinson).

  • Plenary speaker at the International Congress on Mathematical Prooblems in Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, 1975
  • Invited speaker at ICM Kyoto 1990
  • Andrejewski Lecturer, Leipzig 2002
  • "Alexander von Humboldt Research Award" 2004
  • Premio Nazionale "Presidente della Repubblica”, Accademia dei Lincei, 2011
  • Fellow of the American Mathematical Society 2012

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