Helena Duffy - Curriculum Vitae#


Storying the Ecocatastrophe, edited with K. Leppänen, (Routledge, 2024)

Trauma, Ethics, Hermeneutics, edited with A. Tynan (Legenda, 2024)


Holocaust Studies, ‘Genocide/Ecocide’, with D. Tollerton, 2024

Eastern European Holocaust Studies, 1.1 (2023) ‘Ukraine and the Ukrainians in Holocaust Literature’, 79–153

Journal of Holocaust Research, 34.2 (2020) ‘Motherhood and the Holocaust’

French Forum, 44.1 (2019), ‘The Holocaust in French and Francophone Literature: 1987 – 2017’

LSMLL, 39 (2015), ‘La France en guerre: Les représentations culturelles de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale’

Romanica Wratislaviensia, 61 (2014), ‘Le roman historique de Mme de Lafayette à Laurent Binet’


‘Paris as a Material Witness in a Differend: Patrick Modiano’s Dora Bruder’, ESP, 15.2 (2023), 108–32

‘Postmémoire culturelle, paramémoire ou complicité traumatique? Une enquête sur la Shoah dans L’Origine de la violence de F. Humbert’, Europe, 20 (2022), 123–33

‘“Chez les Juifs, la poule ne souffre pas”: L’analogie entre la Shoah et la shoah animale dans Le Jour où je n’étais pas là d’Hélène Cixous’, Mémoires en jeu, 17 (2022), 47–53

‘The Ethics of Metawitnessing in Yannick Haenel’s Jan Karski’, Dapim, 32.1 (2018), 1–21


‘Is It Right to Talk about the Holocaust in Ukraine Now? An Interview with Jonathan Littell, the author of The Kindly Ones’, EEHS, 1.1 (2023), 147–153

‘“Un train peut en cacher un autre…”: Entretien avec Arnaud Rykner: Propos recueillis par Helena Duffy’, French Forum, 44.1 (2019), 45–54


‘We Are Not out of the Woods Yet: The Forest as a Vector for Polish Holocaust Memory in Paweł Pawlikowski’s Ida’, University of Turku, 21–23.04.23

‘Postmodern Art as a Witness? Yannick Heanel’s Jan Karski’, Kings College London, 26.10.19


2000-2022, Study circle ‘Narrative and Violence’, with Marta Cenedese


Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

Cornell UP, Palgrave Macmillan, Peter Lang

French Studies; French Cultural Studies; Sociolinguistic Studies; Modern and Contemporary France; Romance Studies; Orbis Linguarum; Ex-Historia; World Literature Studies; LSMLL; Humanities; Francosphère; Life Writing; Journal of Holocaust Studies; Journal of Perpetrator Research; Recherches germaniques; Academic Journal of Modern Philology; Miscelanea: A Journal of English and American Studies

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