
Partial List of Publications#

[note that computational linguistics is essentially a collaborative enterprise: joint publication is the norm]]

Rosén, Victoria; Haugereid, Petter; Thunes, Martha; Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln: The Interplay Between Lexical and Syntactic Resources in Incremental Parsebanking. I: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14). European Language Resources Association 2014 ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4. UiB

Dyvik, Helge; Thunes, Martha; Haugereid, Petter; Rosén, Victoria; Meurer, Paul; De Smedt, Koenraad; Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal: Studying Interannotator Agreement in Discriminant-based Parsebanking. I: Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. : Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2013 ISBN 978-954-91700-6-1. s. 37-48.

Meurer, Paul; Dyvik, Helge; Rosén, Victoria; De Smedt, Koenraad; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Thunes, Martha: The INESS Treebanking Infrastructure. I: Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013). Linköping University Electronic Press 2013 ISBN 978-91-7519-589-6. s. 453-458.

Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln. 2012. Norm clusters in written Norwegian. Part 2:2, pages 193-219. In: Andersen, Gisle. Exploring newspaper language : using the web to create and investigate a large corpus of modern Norwegian. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 356 pages. ISBN: 978-90-272-0354-0.

Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; Thunes, Martha; Rosén, Victoria; De Smedt, Koenraad; Dyvik, Helge; Meurer, Paul: What we have learned from Sofie: Extending lexical and grammatical coverage in an LFG parsebank. I: META-RESEARCH Workshop on Advanced Treebanking at LREC2012. European Language Resources Association 2012. s. 69-76.

Rosén, Victoria; De Smedt, Koenraad; Meurer, Paul; Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln: An Open Infrastructure for Advanced Treebanking. I: META-RESEARCH Workshop on Advanced Treebanking at LREC2012. European Language Resources Association 2012 . s. 22-29.

Rosén, Victoria; Meurer, Paul; Losnegaard, Gyri Smørdal; Samdal, Gunn Inger Lyse; De Smedt, Koenraad; Thunes, Martha; Dyvik, Helge: An integrated web-based treebank annotation system. I: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11). Edições Colibri 2012 ISBN 978‐989‐689‐274‐6. s. 157-167

Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln; Meurer, Paul; Rosén, Victoria; De Smedt, Koenraad. 2009. Linguistically Motivated Parallel Parsebanks. kapittel, pages 71-82. In: Passarotti, Marco; Przepiórkowski, Adam; Raynaud, Sabine; Van Eynde, Frank. Proceedings of the Eight International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. 220 pages. ISBN: 9788883117121.

Normering i den post-samnorske æra. I: Helge Omdal og Rune Røsstad (red.): Språknormering – i tide og utide. Novus Forlag 2009. s. 109-121

Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln. 2005. Translations as a semantic knowledge source. Kapittel, pages 27-38. In: Langemets, Margit; Penjam, Priit. Proceedings of The Second Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies. 383 pages. ISBN: 9985-894-83-9.

Flickinger, Dan; Lønning, Jan Tore; Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln; Oepen, Stephan; Bond, Francis. 2005. SEM-I rational MT. Enriching deep grammars with a semantic interface for scalable machine translation. Pages 165-172. In: Isahara, Hitoshi. Proceedings of the 10th Machine Translation Summit. ISBN: 974-7431-26-2.

Oepen, Stephan; Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln; Flickinger, Dan; Lønning, Jan Tore; Meurer, Paul; Rosén, Victoria. 2005. Holistic regression testing for high-quality MT. Some methodological and technological reflections. In: Maegaard, Bente. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. ISBN: 963-9206-04-0.

Rosén, Victoria; De Smedt, Koenraad; Dyvik, Helge J. Jakhelln; Meurer, Paul. 2005. TREPIL: Developing Methods and Tools for Multilevel Treebank Construction. kapittel, pages 161-172. In: Civit, Montserrat; Kübler, Sandra; Martí, Ma. Antònia. Proceedings of TLT'05. ISBN: 84-475-2992-4

Dyvik, Helge Julius Jakhelln. 2003. Offisiell og ikke-offisiell språknormering - nyttig eller skadelig motsetning? 25-40. In: Omdal, Helge; Røsstad, Rune. Krefter og motkrefter i språknormeringa. Om språknormer i teori og praksis. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget. 305 pages. ISBN: 82-7634-558-1.

Dyvik, Helge Julius Jakhelln. Er diakron syntaks mulig?. Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift 2000 (2) p. 183-202.

Dyvik, Helge Julius Jakhelln. 2000. Nødvendige noder i norsk. Grunntrekk i en leksikalsk-funksjonell beskrivelse av norsk syntaks. 25-45. In: Andersen, Øivin; Fløttum, Kjersti; Kinn, Torodd. Menneske, språk og fellesskap. Festskrift til Kirsti Koch Christensen på 60-årsdagen 1. desember 2000. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. ISBN: 82-7099-322-0.

Dyvik, Helge Julius. 1999. On the complexity of translation. 21. In: Hasselgård, Hilde; Oksefjell, Signe. Out of Corpora: Studies in Honour of Stig Johansson.

Dyvik, Helge. 1999. The universality of f-structure. Discovery or stipulation? The case of modals. In: King, Tracy Holloway; Butt, Miriam. Proceedinbgs of the lFG99 Conference. Stanford, CA: CSLI.

Dyvik, Helge Julius. 1998. A translational basis for semantics. 51-86. In: Johansson, Stig; Oksefjell, Signe; Corpora and Crosslinguistic Research: Theory, Method and Case Studies. ISBN: 90-420-0291-3.

Dyvik, Helge Julius. 1995. Språk, språklig kompetanse og lingvistikkens objekt. 20-41. In: Fabricius-Hansen, Cathrine; Muruvik onen, Arnfinn. Språklig kompetanse - hva er det, og hvordan kan det beskrives? (Oslo-studier i språkvitenskap 11). Novus Forlag. ISBN: 82-7099-246-1.

Dyvik, Helge Julius. Exploiting structural similarities in machine translation. Computers and the Humanities 1995 ;Volum 28. s. 225-234
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