
Ana Echevarria Arsuaga - Biography#

Training: Degree in Geography and History at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, specializing in Medieval History, as well as participation in various archaeological excavations and work camps. Languages: English (Cambridge Proficiency), French (B1) and Arabic (B1), and with some short stays in European and Arab countries, German (B1). Doctoral thesis "The Perception of Muslims in Fifteenth Century Spain"at the University of Edinburgh, supervised by Prof. Angus MacKay, Department of History, co-supervisor Prof. Allan Hood, Department of Classical Philology. Post-doctoral scholarship from the Community of Madrid, to study "Social and Political Implications of Conversion in Fifteenth Century" under Prof. José Luis Martín Rodríguez (UNED).

Teaching: Incorporated in 2000-2001 to the Department of Medieval History and Paleography of UNED, where she is currently Professor. She has taught subjects in several degrees of various Faculties, has sat in several Committees for new degrees and has been a member of the University Senate and the Faculty Committee. From 2011she has supervised 4 Ph D completed theses and 1 ongoing at the Department of Medieval History and Paleography, UNED, 8 dissertations Masters and DEA programmes and has mentored 4 postdocs since 2011under different research projects.

Research projects: She has been PI of two national R+D and one international projects, and a member of a great number of national R+D and local projects (for the most important see Awards). She has carried out 2 research stays of more than one year in foreign universities (Universities of Ruhr and Constance, Germany), and numerous short stays in foreign research centers financed by competitive travel grants, and her works have received several publication awards. She has organized a great number of conferences and scientific meetings in the Spanish, European and global academic environments, and has been a speaker in international forums in her field, as the two keynotes in the Leeds International Medieval Conference (2020, 2022).

She has positive evaluations of 3 teaching periods, and 4 research periods by the Spanish Ministry. At the moment she is Head of the Department of Medieval History and Paleography.

Commissions of trust: she has been Evaluator for ANEP (Spanish Agency for the Evaluation of Research Projects) since 2015, for ERC Advanced Grant Program of the EU (2016) and for several grants of Autonomic bodies of research in Spain (since 2018).

Member of Advisory Board of journals: Medieval Encounters (Brill) since 2014; Al-Masaq (Taylor and Francis) since 2020; Huarte de San Juan (Universidad Pública de Navarra) since 2020; Anales de la Universidad de Alicante since 2021.

Member of the Editorial Boards: Book review Editor, Medieval Encounters (Brill) 2011-2014: Espacio, Tiempo y Forma-Historia Medieval, (Department of History UNED) since 2013; Al-Qantara (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) 2014-2023; Sharq al-Andalus (Centre of Mudejar Studies -Universidad de Alicante) since 2015; Erasmo (U. Valladolid) since 2015; Studia Historica-Historia Medieval, (University of Salamanca) since 2018

Peer-evaluator and reviewer for a great number of Spanish and international journals and publishing houses.


2022 Society for the Medieval Mediterranean 7th Biennial Conference, Interruptions & Disruptions in the Medieval Mediterranean, 400-1500. University of Crete, 11-15 July. Co-organizer of session Disruption in the Dynamics of Religious Minorities.

2021 International Conference Canon Law and Christian Societies, between Christianity and Islam. Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional-Gerda Henkel Stiftung, 24-26 Febuary. Co-organizer.

2015 Spanisch-Deutsche Arbeitsgespräche an der Herzog-August-Bibliothek: Religious plurality and interreligious contacts in the Middle Ages. Wolfenbüttel, 30 November-2 December. Co-organizer.

2015 Conference Minorities in Contact. Cambridge University-St. Catherine’s College-Woolf Institute. 23-24 April. Co-organizer.

2014 International Conference Circulaciones mudéjares y moriscas. Redes de contacto y representaciones. Madrid, 9-10 October, Casa de Velázquez. Co-organizer.

2014 International Conference Law and Religious minorities in Medieval Societies: between theory and praxis, Córdoba, 28-30 April, With RELMIN-ERC Advanced Grant Project & U. Cordoba. Co-organizer.

2011– 2019 Co-organizer of Workshops and Conference for KHK Dynamiken der Religionsgeschichte zwischen Asien und Europa, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Sites and rites of death. Spacing the corpse in and across religious contexts (2011); Religious Expatriation (2011); Constructing Devotions across Islamic Lands (2013); Conference Body Trouble: the ambivalence of sex, gender and desire in religious discourse in, Spain (2014); Drawing Relations between Religious Minorities (2016); Retelling Tales and Recreating Cosmologies as Strategies of Global Encounter and Expansion 600-1800 (2019).

MAJOR COLLABORATIONS (Selected, last 5 years)

Prof. John Tolan. RELMIN Advanced Grant; Dept. History, U. Nantes. “Religions and Atheism, Law, Doctrines and Identities, Fluctuating Secularization”, Agence Nationale de Recherche, France.

Prof. Nikolas Jaspert. Religious minorities, Queenship, New Direction in Iberian Historiography. Dept. History, U. Heidelberg, Germany.

Prof. Dorothea Weltecke. Religious minorities. Dept. History, U. Humboldt, Berlin, Germany.

Prof. Thomas Burman. Canon Collections and Christians under Muslim Rule. U. Notre Dame, In, US.

Dr. Uriel Simonsohn. Kinship and Community in the Medieval Islamic Mediterranean. Haifa Center for Mediterranean History, U. Haifa, Israel.

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