
Aurora Egido - Biography#

Aurora Egido is Emeritus Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Zaagoza and Doctor honoris causa of the Universidad Carlos III (Madrid). She is also a member and Secretary General of the Real Academia Española, Corresponding Member of the British Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, and she holds the “Ramón Menéndez Pidal” National Research Prixe in the Humanities and the “Menéndez Pelayo” International Prize.

She did her Degree and PhD cum laude in Spanish Philology at the University of Barcelona. She has taught at the Universities of Barcelona, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Zaragoza University and León University. She has been pro-Vicechancellor for the Humanities and the Teaching of Foreign Languages at the Menéndez Pelayo International University; Assistant Teacher at the University of Cardiff, and at Westfield College (London); Visiting Professor at the University of Los Ángeles-California (UCLA), at Darmouth College, and at Johns Hopkins University; Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY) and Professor at the University of Cambridge (UK).

Complete list of publications.

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