
Inger Ekman - Biography#

INGER EKMAN RN, PhD, senior professor, former director and founder of University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC), in Sweden. GPCC is a research centre involving around 100 researchers from different disciplines including care sciences, medicine, pedagogics and economics. The centre is financed by a grant (13 milj Euro) based on an application led by Ekman.

In 2007, Inger Ekman was appointed full professor in Care Science at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. During the period 2006-2010, she was head of Institute of Health and Care Sciences, and 2010-2012 vice dean at the Sahlgrenska academy. Inger Ekman's research focuses on communication and symptoms in patients with long term illness and evaluation of person-centred care interventions, she has around 140 publications in scientific journals.

Ekman is since 2016 the coordinator of COST 15222 (www.costcares.eu) a European initiative, involving 28 partner countries, on testing implementation of person-centred care and health promotion within the frame of cost containment with maintained or improved quality of care in five countries in Europe.

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