
Victoria Escandell-Vidal - Biography#

Victoria Escandell-Vidal (PhD in Hispanic Linguistics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid) is Full Professor of Linguistics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Previously she had been Full Professor of Linguistics at UNED (since 2007) and Senior Lecturer of Spanish Linguistics (1989-2007).

Her main research area is the grammar/semantics/pragmatics interface with a general and contrastive perspective, considering Spanish, Catalan and Italian. Her research topics include interrogative sentences, noun phrases, verbal tenses, copular constructions, information structure, evidentiality and prosody. She has focused on processing instructions encoded by linguistic items to guide the inferential process of utterance interpretation, with special contribution to the notion of 'procedural meaning'. She also investigated the role of social cognition in various aspects of interpretation and L2 acquisition and the general architecture of language and linguistic theory.

Her work has been funded through 14 research projects from national and international calls: in some of them she was PI. The Spanish Evaluation Agency has awarded her 30 years of excellent research.

Her international projection can be attested through her publications in international, highly ranked journals and edited volumes: in the last 10 years, 12 articles in Q1 journals and 20 articles in the top 10 international publishers of the SPI ranking. She has been invited to teach courses at various universities in Argentina, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands. She has been plenary speaker at several international conferences. As a university professor, she has written university handbooks in Spanish on general linguistics, semantics and pragmatics, and contributed specific chapters to international handbooks.

She was general project manager for R&D research grants in the area ‘Philosophy, Philology and Linguistics’ of the Spanish Ministry (2006-2009). She participates in granting committees for other funding agencies, and is a member of the editorial board of top-level publications and of the scientific committees of international conferences.

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