
Andrew Fabian - Major Publications#

Top ten papers (title year citations)

1 X-ray fluorescence from the inner disc in Cygnus X-l 1989 783

2 Cooling flows in clusters of galaxies 1994 745

3 Gravitationally redshifted emission implying an accretion disk and massive black hole in the active galaxy 1995 710

4 Constraints on dark energy from Chandra observations of the largest relaxed galaxy clusters 2004 566

5 The X-ray observatory Suzaku 2007 551

6 The obscured growth of massive black holes 1999 433

7 The ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample - I. The compilation of t... 1998 404

8 A comprehensive range of X-ray ionized-reflection models 2005 396

9 X-ray imaging-spectroscopy of Abell 1835 2001 375

10 Chandra imaging of the complex X-ray core of the Perseus clu... 2000 370

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