
Ambrogio Fasoli - Selected Publications#

Fast ion and burning plasma physics

[1] Fasoli A., Borba D., Bosia G., Campbell D., Dobbing, J.A., Gormezano C., Jacquinot J., Lavanchy P., Lister J., Marmillod P., Moret J.-M., Santagiustina A., Sharapov S., "Direct Measurement Of The Damping Of Toroidicity Induced Alfvén Eigenmodes", Phys. Rev. Lett. 75(4), 645 (1995)

[2] A. Fasoli, B. N. Breizman, D. Borba, R. F. Heeter, M. S. Pekker, and S. E. Sharapov, "Nonlinear Splitting Of Fast Particle Driven Waves In A Plasma: Observation And Theory", Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5564 (1998).

[3] Fasoli, A; Gormenzano, C; Berk, HL; Breizman, B; Briguglio, S; Darrow, DS; Gorelenkov, N; Heidbrink, WW; Jaun, A; Konovalov, SV; Nazikian, R; Noterdaeme, J-M; Sharapov, S; Shinohara, K; Testa, D; Tobita, K; Todo, Y; Vlad, G; Zonca, F., “Physics of energetic ions”, Chapter 5 of ITER Physics Basis, Nuclear Fusion 47, S264 (2007)

[4] R.A. Tinguely, N. Fil, P.G. Puglia, S. Dowson, M. Porkolab, V. Guillemot, M. Podesta, M. Baruzzo, R. Dumont, A. Fasoli, M. Fitzgerald, Ye.O. Kazakov, M.F.F. Nave, M. Nocente, J. Ongena, S.E. Sharapov, Z. Stancar, and JET Contributors, A novel measurement of marginal Alfven eigenmode stability during high power auxiliary heating in JET, Nuclear Fusion, 62 076001 (2022)
Basic Plasma physics for fusion

[5] A. Fasoli, F. Avino, A. Bovet, I. Furno, K. Gustafson, S. Jolliet, J. Loizu, D. Malinverni, P. Ricci, F. Riva, C. Theiler, M. Spolaore and N. Vianello, “Basic investigations of electrostatic turbulence and its interaction with plasma and suprathermal ions in a simple magnetized toroidal plasma, Nuclear Fusion, 53 063013 (2013)

[6] Bovet, A., Fasoli, A., Ricci, P., Furno, I. and Gustafson, K., Nondiffusive transport regimes for suprathermal ions in turbulent plasmas, Phys. Rev. E 91 041101 {2015)

[7] Fasoli, A., Furno, I. & Ricci, P. The role of basic plasmas studies in the quest for fusion power, Nature Physics 15, 872 (2019)

Critical contributions of the TCV tokamak to the fusion power plant development

[8] Fasoli A., Brunner S., Cooper W.A., Graves J.P., Ricci P., Sauter O. and Villard L., Computational challenges in magnetic-confinement fusion plasma physics, Nature Physics 12, 411 (2016)

[9]]Fasoli A., Reimerdes H., Alberti S., Baquero-Ruiz M., Duval B.P., Havlikova E., Karpushov A., Moret J.-M., Toussaint M., Elaian H., Silva M., Theiler C., Vaccaro D., TCV heating and divertor upgrades, Nuclear Fusion 60 016019 (2020)

[10] Jonas Degrave, Federico Felici, Jonas Buchli, Michael Neunert, Brendan Tracey, Francesco Carpanese, Timo Ewalds, Roland Hafner, Abbas Abdolmaleki, Diego de las Casas, Craig Donner, Leslie Fritz, Cristian Galperti, Andrea Huber, James Keeling, Maria Tsimpoukelli, Jackie Kay, Antoine Merle, Jean-Marc Moret, Seb Noury, Federico Pesamosca, David Pfau, Olivier Sauter, Cristian Sommariva, Stefano Coda, Basil Duval, Ambrogio Fasoli, Pushmeet Kohli, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Demis Hassabis & Martin Riedmiller, Magnetic Control of Tokamak Plasmas Through Deep Reinforcement Learning, Nature 602 (7897) (2022)

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