
Maribel Fierro - Curriculum Vitae#


  • 1974-9: Semitic Philology, Univ. Complutense Madrid
  • 1982-3: Research scholar, SOAS (London)
  • 1985: Dr. Semitic Philology, Univ. Complutense Madrid


Journals: (since 2012) Der Islam. (since 2012) Intellectual History of the Islamicate World. (since 2011) Arabiques. (2010-2013) Al-Masaq. (since 2010) Collectanea Christiana Orientalia. (since 2001) Studia Islamica (2000-2012) Secretary Al-Qantara (CSIC). (1998-2003) Islamic Studies. (1992-2000) Al-Qantara (CSIC). (since 1992): Journal of Islamic Law and Society. (1989-1994) Sharq al-Andalus (1987-2008) Awraq.

Book series: (since 2012) Mediterranean Studies, Palgrave. (since 2012) Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 1. (since 2011) Muslim History and Heritage Series. (since 2011) Horizontes de al-Andalus. (2010-2013) Diccionario de Historia Medieval Ibérica. (since 2006) EOBA. (since 2002) Sectional editor (Religious sciences), Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd ed.

Advisory and evaluation roles

(since 2011) Referee, Italian Ministry for Education University and Research (MIUR). (since 2011) Committee, Master Contemporary Arabic and Islamic Studies, Univer. Autónoma Madrid. (2008-2010) Advisory Board Spanish National Committee for Evaluation of Research Activities (CNEAI). (2008 July-2010 November) Committee Humanities and Social Sciences, CSIC. (2006) Review Session Excellence Initiative. German Federal and State Governments to Promote Science and Research.

Peer Review Activities

Promotions and enrolment: Haifa (1996), Chicago (1998), Princeton (1999), Ben Gurion (2000), Notre Dame (2001), Tel Aviv (2002), California LA (2004), Bar-Ilan, The Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem (2005), Wesleyan (2006), Leiden (2007), Yale (2008) Cornell, American Univ. Beirut (2009); since 2010 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
Books: (1991-2010) AECI (1991), Harvard. Cambridge Univ. Press (1999, 2000), Brill (2009, 2010, 2011).

Membership of Professional Bodies

Society for the Medieval Mediterranean. Founding Member, The International Society for Islamic Legal Studies. AIMS. MESA. Middle East Medievalists. Union Europèenne des Islamisants et Arabisants.


2009-2014 Advanced Research Grant-ERC: Knowledge, heresy and political culture in the Islamic West (8th-15th centuries).
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