
Mercedes García-Arenal - Curriculum Vitae#

Academic Positions
  • Research Professor, CCHS-CSIC, Madrid (1990-present).
  • Scientific Researcher (1986-1990).
  • Junior Researcher (1981-1986).

  • Ph.D., Arabic and Islamic Studies, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1976).
  • B.A and M.A., Arabic and Hebrew Studies, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1967-1972).

Visiting Appointments, Grants and Fellowships
  • Professeur Invitée, Université Mohammed V, Rabat, (April 1995).
  • Directrice de Recherche, EHESS, Paris (1992, Spring term).
  • Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton (1988-1990).
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of Oriental and African Studies, London (1976-1978).
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, CSIC, Madrid (1978-1980).
  • Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Spanish Ministry of Science, CSIC, Madrid (1974-1976).

Most Recent Academic Honours
  • Invited Professor, Department of History, Princeton University (forthcoming, 2013).
  • Invited to deliver the Cochrane Lecture, Department of History, University of Chicago (2010).
  • Invited to deliver the Hamilton Gibb Lectures, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University (2008).
  • Invited to deliver the Bennett Memorial Lecture, Cambridge University (2006).

Service to the Profession

Home Institution
  • Chair, Research Program “East in West: Challenging Borders,” CCHS-CSIC (2009-present).
  • Member of the Steering Committee, Junta de Gobierno, CSIC (2003-2008).
  • Member of the Steering Committee, Comisión de Área de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC (2005-2008).
  • Member of the Steering Committee, CCHS-CSIC created in 2007 (2010 to present).

Research Programs
  • Member of the Board, CNEAI (Spanish National Council for Evaluation of Scientific Research) (2008-present).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee, Institut pour l’Étude de l’Islam et des Sociétés Islamiques, EHESS, Paris (2010-present).
  • Member of the Advisory Board, The Institute for Transregional Study, Princeton University (1991-1995).

External Referee and Advisor
  • External referee, tenure track positions, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Cornell and Harvard Universities.
  • External advisor, The Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilization, Aga Khan University, London (2000).
  • External referee for AERES (French National Agency for Scientific Evaluation) Evaluation of CHSIM (EHESS) and CETOBAC (CNRS/EHESS) (2009).

Editorial Boards
  • Chair: Al-Qantara: Revista de estudios árabes (1999-present).
  • Co-chair with Manuela Marín, Series “Fuentes Arabico-Hispanas,” published by the CSIC (1991-2005)
  • Member of the editorial board: The Maghreb Review (1999-present), Hésperis-Tamuda (2008-present) Journal of Iberian Medieval Studies (2010-present), Mediterranean Historical Review (2009-present).
  • Member of the editorial board, Series “Estudios Árabes e Islámicos: Monografías,” (2002-present)
  • Member, ERIH panel for journals of Religious Studies (2010).

Research Projects
  • PI, Spanish National Endowment for the Humanities (1985-present).
  • Team leader, Team 6 (Religious Activity and Experience), Project: Individual and Society in the Mediterranean Muslim World, funded as project à la carte by the European Science Foundation, directed by Robert Ilbert (1991-1995).
  • Member, LISOR (Leiden Institute for the Study of Religions) (1999-present)
  • Member, Steering Committee, Project: “Convivencia: Representations, Knowledge, Identities,” Max Planck-CSIC (2009-2010).

Teaching Experience
  • Masters Program, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Course on “Religious Conversion and Minorities in Islamic Lands” (2008-present).
  • Lecturer in Spain (Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad de Granada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and abroad (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Princeton, Cornell, Duke, Yale, Leiden, Tunis, and Rabat universities (1992-present).

Ph. D. Dissertations Chair and Committee Member
  • Chair, Ph.D. thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: M. de Bunes (1988); F. Rodríguez Mediano (1991); M. V. Aguilar (1991); M. A. Manzano (1992), F. Rodríguez Mañas (1992); Chakib Benafri (1993); E. Alfonso (1998).
  • Chair, Ph.D. thesis, Universidad de Barcelona: A. Zomeño (1997).
  • Chair, Ph. D. thesis, University of Chicago: Mayte Green (2010).
  • Committee Member, Ph. D. thesis, G.A. Wiegers, Leiden (1991); Serge Gubert, EHESS, Paris, (2004); Mouloud Haddad, EHESS, Paris (2008).

Fields of Interest

Research areas: Early Modern Muslim West (Islam in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb); minorities (Mudejars and Moriscos in Christian Iberia); Inquisition; Jews in Islamic lands. Focus on: conversion, identity, messianism and millenarianism, sainthood and mysticism. Specific area of current research: religious dissimulation and religious polemics.

  • Eight books authored, among them:

Inquisición y moriscos: Los procesos del Tribunal de Cuenca (Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1978. 2nd ed. 1982, 3rd ed. 1988).
La diáspora de los Andalusíes (Barcelona: Icaria, 2003); trans. into French (Paris: Edisud, 2003).
Ahmad al-Mansur: The Beginnings of Modern Morocco (London: Oneworld, 2009).

  • Five books edited, among them:

Conversions islamiques: Identités religieuses en Islam Méditerrannéen / Islamic Conversions: Religious Identity in Mediterranean Islam (Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 2002).
“Individual Piety and Society,” special issue of Al-Qantara (1999); “Millénarisme et Mahdisme,” special issue of Revue des Mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée 91-92 and 93-94 (2001).

  • Over seventy articles published in: Annales ESC, Studia Islamica, The Maghreb Review, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Revue de l’histoire des religions, Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée, Israel Oriental Studies, and Common Knowledge among others.
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