
Paolo Giubellino - Biography#

Paolo Giubellino, is an experimental Physicist working on High-Energy Nuclear Collisions.

He has dedicated most of his scientific life to the Physics of High-Energy Heavy-Ion collisions, in which a state of ultra- dense and hot matter like the one prevailing in the first microseconds of life of our Universe is created. He has participated in numerous experimental projects first at the CERN SPS and, since the beginning of the program, at the Large Hadron Collider. He has carried several responsibility positions in the ALICE Collaboration, including 1600 scientists from 169 scientific institutions from 42 countries, to be eventually elected deputy spokesperson from 2004 to 2010 and spokesperson since Jan 1st 2011. He has led the ALICE Collaboration to the preparation of an Upgrade proposal for experiment, spanning the years 2020 to 2028, which was approved in 2012 and is now under construction.

Throughout his career he has accompanied his studies of nuclear physics with the development of technologies for particle detection and is since Aug. 2000 member of the Instrumentation Panel of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA).

He serves in many scientific committees and panels in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Spain and the United States, and is currently Chair of the G-PAC of GSI, the largest nuclear physics laboratory in Germany, member of the Conseil Scientifique of IN2P3 (National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics), France, and of the Comisión de Infraestructuras de Fisica de Particulas y Aceleradores del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain. He has been active in International collaboration, and has promoted and had key roles in several programs funded by the European Union, NATO and numerous bilateral agreements. He also serves in the International Advisory Committee of many scientific conferences worldwide.
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