
Hans Petter Graver#

Public service

  • Law reform work for the Norwegian Government
  • Chairman of the task force appointed by the government to propose legislation on Consumer Bankruptcy, Norwegian Official Reports (NOU) 1992:16
  • Chairman of the task force appointed by the government to propose legislation on Sea Farming NOU 1994:10
  • Chairman of the task force appointed by the government to propose legislation on Access to Environmental information NOU 2001:2
  • Chairman of the task force appointed by the government to propose new Competition act NOU 2001:28 and NOU 2003:12
  • Chairman of the task force appointed by the government to propose Ethical Guidelines for the Norwegian Petroleum Fund NOU 2003:22
  • Chairman of the task force on Use of Medical Experts in the Administration of Justice
  • Chairman of the task force to review the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration NOU 2006:14
  • Chairman of the task force appointed by the government to propose legislation on Anti-discrimination NOU 2008:1 and NOU 2009:14
  • Chairman of the task force appointed 2015 by the government to propose legislation on Juvenile Courts, Immigration Courts and speed trials in criminal cases
  • Advisor for the Government of Lao PDR on development of environmental legislation 1995-1999

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