Laurent Groc - Selected Publications#

Kellermayer B, Ferreira JS, Dupuis J, Levet F, Grillo-Bosch D, Bard L, Linarès-Loyez J, Bouchet D, Choquet D, Rusakov DA, Bon P, Sibarita JB, Cognet L, Sainlos M, Carvalho AL, and Groc L. Differential nanoscale topography and functional role of GluN2-NMDA receptor subtypes at glutamatergic synapses. Neuron (2018) 100(1):106-119.

Jézéquel J, Johansson EM, Dupuis JP, Rogemond V, Gréa H, Kellermayer B, Hamdani N, Le Guen E, Rabu C, Lepleux M, Spatola M, Mathias E, Bouchet D, Ramsey AJ, Yolken RH, Tamouza R, Dalmau J, Honnorat J, Leboyer M and Groc L Dynamic disorganization of synaptic NMDA receptors triggered by autoantibodies from psychotic patients. Nature Communications. (2017) 8(1):1791.

Ferreira JS, Papouin T, Ladépêche L, Yao A, Langlais VC, Bouchet D, Dulong J, Mothet JP, Sacchi S, Pollegioni L, Paoletti P, Oliet SHR, and Groc L. Co-agonists differentially tune GluN2B-NMDA receptor trafficking at hippocampal synapses. elife (2017) Jun 9;6.

Godin A, Varela JA, Gao Z, Danné N, Dupuis JP, Lounis B, Groc L* and Cognet L*. Single-nanotube tracking reveals the nanoscale organization of the extracellular space in the live brain. Nature Nanotechnologies (2016). *Share seniority, co-corresponding.

Varela JA, Dupuis JP, Etchepare L, Espana A, Cognet L, and Groc L. Targeting neurotransmitter receptors with nanoparticles in vivo allows single-molecule tracking in acute brain slices. Nature Communications (2016) 14; 7:10947.

Murphy-Royal C, Dupuis JP, Varela JA, Panatier A, Pinson B, Baufreton J, Groc L*, Oliet S* Surface diffusion of astrocytic glutamate transporters shapes synaptic transmission. Nature Neuroscience (2015) 18(2):219-26 *Share seniority, co-corresponding; Cover of the journal

Dupuis J, Ladepeche L, Seth H, Bard L, Varela J, Mikasova L, Bouchet D, Rogemond V, Honnorat J, Hanse E and Groc L. Surface dynamics of GluN2B-NMDA receptors controls plasticity of maturing glutamate synapses. EMBO J. (2014) 33(8):842-61. Cover of the journal

Ladepeche L, Dupuis J, Bouchet D, Doudnikoff E, Yang L, Campagne Y, Bézard E, Hosy E, and Groc L. Single molecule imaging of the functional crosstalk between surface NMDA and dopamine D1 receptors. PNAS (2013) 110(44):18005-10

Mikasova L, De Rossi P, Bouchet D, Georges F, Rogemond V, Didelot A, Meissirel C, Honnorat J, and Groc L. Disrupted surface cross-talk between NMDA and Ephrin-B2 receptors in anti-NMDA encephalitis. Brain (2012) 135:1606-21.

Groc L., Choquet D., and Chaouloff F. The stress hormone corticosterone conditions AMPA receptor surface trafficking and synaptic potentiation. Nature Neuroscience (2008) 11(8):868-70.

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