Maria Teresa Guasti - Selected Publications#

1. Guasti, M. T. (2017) Language acquisition. The Growth of grammar. Cambridge, Mass:MIT Press. II Edition.

2. Pagliarini, E., L., Scocchia, M. Vernice, M. Zoppello, U., Ballottin, S., Bouamama, M. T. Guasti & N. Stucchi (2017) Children’s first hadwriting productions show a rhythmic structure. Scientific reports. 7:5516. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-05105-6.

3. Arosio, F., Foppolo, F., Pagliarini, E., Perugini, M. & Guasti, M. T. (2017) Semantic and Pragmatic abilities can be spared in Italian children with SLI. Language, Learning and Development. 13:418-429.

4. Arosio, F., F., Panzeri, B., Molteni, S., Magazù, & M. T., Guasti (2017) The Comprehension of Italian relative clauses in poor readers and in children with Specific Language Impairment. Glossa. 2: 1-25. DOI:

5. Hu, S., Cecchetto, C. & Guasti, M. T. (2018) A new case for structural intervention: Evidence from Wenzhounese relative clauses. Journal of East Asian Linguistics. 27:227-273.

6. Moscati, V., L. Rizzi, I., Vottari, A.M. Chilosi, R. Salvadorini, M.T. Guasti (2020) Morpho-syntactic weaknesses in Developmental Language Disorder: the role of structure and agreement configurations. Journal of Child Language. doi:10.1017/S0305000919000709, 1-36.

7. Pagliarini, E., Scocchia, L., Sarti, D., Granocchio, E., Stucchi, N. Guasti, M.T. (2020) Timing anticipation in adults and children with Developmental Dyslexia: evidence of an inefficient mechanism. Scientific Report

8. Pagliarini, E., M. T. Guasti, A. S. Crain, Gavarrò (2021) Negative sentences with disjunction in child Catalan. Language Acquisition. DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2020.1860055

9.Guasti, M. T., M. White, G. Bianco, F. Arosio, B. Camilleri, N. Hasson (2020) Two clinical markers of DLD in monolingual Italian speakers: what cant hey tell us about second language learners with DLD ? Journal of clinical linguistics and Phonetics.

10. Hu, S., Costa, F., Guasti, M. T. (2020) Mandarin-Italian dual-language children’s comprehension of head-final and head-initial relative clauses. Frontiers in Psychology.

H-index: 42

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