
Ilkka Hanski - List of publications#

Ten books and edited volumes in 1991-2007, including Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulations, edited by I. Hanski and O.E. Gaggiotti, Elsevier/Academic Press (2004), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, edited by P.R. Ehrlich and I. Hanski, Oxford University Press (2004), and The Shrinking World: Ecological Consequences of Habitat Loss, International Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe (2005). About 300 publications, see separate list and www.isihighlycited.com.

The list includes peer-reviewed papers, book chapters and books published since 2002; publications marked with * are most relevant for this proposal

194. Wahlberg, N., Klemetti, T., Selonen, V. & Hanski, I. 2002. Metapopulation structure and movements in five species of checkerspot butterflies. Oecologia 130, 33-43.

195. Hanski, I. 2002. Population dynamic consequences of dispersal in local populations and in metapopulation. In: Clobert, J., Danchin, E., Dhont, A.A. & Nichols, J.D. (Eds.), Dispersal, pp. 283-298. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

196. Hanski, I. 2002. Metapopulations of animals in highly fragmented landscapes and the PVA. In: Beissinger, S.R. & McCullough, D.R. (eds.), Population Viability Analysis, pp. 86-108, Chicago University Press, Chicago.

197. Hanski, I. & Henttonen, H. 2002. Population cycles of small rodents in Fennoscandia. In: Berryman, A. (eds.), Population Cycles: Evidence for Trophic Interactions, pp. 44-68, Oxford Unviersity Press.

198. Hanski, I., Breuker, C.J., Schöps, K., Setchfield, R. & Nieminen, M. 2002. Population history and life history influence the migration rate of female Glanville fritillary butterflies. Oikos 98, 87-97.

199. van Nouhuys, S. & Hanski, I. 2002. Multitrophic interactions in space: metacommunity dynamics in fragmented landscapes. In: Tscharntke, T. & Hawkins, B.A. (eds.), Multitrophic Level Interactions, pp. 124-147, Cambridge University Press.

200. Pakkala, T., Tomppo, E. & Hanski, I. 2002. Spatial ecology of the three-toed woodpecker in managed forest landscapes. Silva Fennica 36, 279-288.

201. Ovaskainen, O., Sato, K., Bascompte, J. & Hanski, I. 2002. Metapopulation models for extinction threshold inspatially correlated landscapes. Journal of Theoretical Biology 215, 95-108.

202. Hanski, I. & Ovaskainen, O. 2002. Extinction debt at extinction threshold. Conservation Biology 16, 666-673.

203. van Nouhuys, S. & Hanski, I. 2002. Colonization rates and distances of a host butterfly and two specific parasitoids in a fragmented landscape. Journal of Animal Ecology 71, 639-650.

204. Wahlberg, N., Klemetti, T. & Hanski, I. 2002. Dynamic populations in a dynamic landscape: the metapopulation structure of the marsh fritillary butterfly. Ecography 25, 224-232.

205. Wang, R., Painter, J.N. & Hanski, I. 2002. Amplification of DNA markers from scat samples to identify individuals of the least weasel, Mustela nivalis nivalis. Acta Theriologica 47, 425-431.

206. O'Hara, R.B., Arjas, E., Toivonen, H. & Hanski, I. 2002. Bayesian analysis of metapopulation data. Ecology 83, 2408–2415.

207. Matter, S., Hanski, I. & Gyllenberg, M. 2002. A test of the metapopulation model of the species-area relationship. Journal of Biogeography 29, 977-983.

208. Hellstedt, P., Kalske, T. & Hanski, I. 2002. Indirect effects of least weasel presence on field vole behaviour and demography: a field experiment. Annales Zoologici Fennici 39, 257-265.

209. Hanski, I. 2002. In the midst of ecology, conservation, and competing interests in the society. Annales Zoologici Fennici 39, 183-186.

210. Sheftel, B. & Hanski, I. 2002. Species richness, relative abundances and habitat use in local assemblages of Sorex shrews in Eurasian boreal forests. Acta Theriologica 47 suppl. 1, 69-79. 211. Várkonyi, G., Hanski, I., Rost, M. & Itämies, J. 2002. Host-parasitoid dynamics in periodic boreal moths. Oikos 96, 421-430.

212. Ovaskainen, O. & Hanski, I. 2002. Transient dynamics in metapopulation response to perturbation. Theoretical Population Biology 61, 285-295.

213. Gu, W., Heikilä, R & Hanski, I. 2002. Estimating the consequences of habitat fragmentation on extinction risk in dynamic landscapes. Landscape Ecology 17, 699-710.

214. Hanski, I. 2003. Biology of extinctions in butterfly metapopulations. In: Boggs, C., Watt, W. & Ehrlich, P. (eds.), Butterfly Ecology and Evolution, pp. 577-602. Chicago University Press, Chicago.

215. Wiegand, T., Jeltsch, F., Hanski, I. & Grimm, V. 2003. Using pattern-oriented modeling for revealing hidden information: a key for reconciling ecological theory and application. Oikos 100, 209-222.

216. Hanski, I. 2003. Biology of extinctions in butterfly metapopulations. In: Boggs, C., Watt, W. & Ehrlich, P. (Eds.), Butterflies, Ecology and Evolution Taking Flight, 577-602. Chicago University Press, Chicago.

217. Hanski, I. 2003. Ekologinen arvio Suomen metsien suojelutarpeesta. Kirjassa Harkki, S., Savola, K. ja Walsh, M. (Toim.), Palaako Elävä Metsä, sivut 18-33. Birdlife Suomen julkaisuja No. 5, Helsinki.

218. Dreschler, M., Frank, K., Hanski, I., O’Hara, R.B. & Wissel, C. 2003. Ranking metapopulation extinction risk: from patterns in data to conservation management decisions. Ecological Applications 13, 990-998.

219. Hanski, I. & Ovaskainen, O. 2003. Metapopulation theory for fragmented landscapes. Theoretical Population Biology 64, 119-127.

220. Ovaskainen, O. & Hanski, I. 2003. Extinction threshold in metapopulation models. Annales Zoologici Fennici 40, 81-97.

221. Hanski, I. 2003. Täpläverkkoperhonen metapopulaatiobiologisen tutkimuksen mallisysteeminä. Acad. Scient. Fennica, Year Book 2002, 153-160.

222. Hanski, I. & Heino, M. 2003. Metapopulation-level adaptation in insect host plant preference and extiction-colonization dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes. Theoretical Population Biology 64, 281-290.

223. Ovaskainen, O. & Hanski, I. 2003. The species-area relationship derived from species-specific incidence functions. Ecology Letters 6, 903-909.

224. Ovaskainen, O. & Hanski, I. 2003. How much does an individual habitat fragment contribute to metapopulation dynamics and persistence? Theoretical Population Biology 64, 481-495.

225. Gilg, O., Hanski, I. & Sittler, B. 2003: Cyclic dynamics in a simple vertebrate predator-prey community. Science 302, 866-868.

226. Sundell, J., Huitu, O., Henttonen, H., Kaikusalo, A., Korpimäki, E., Pietiäinen, H., Saurola, P. & Hanski, I. 2004. Large-scale spatial dynamics of vole populations in Finland revealed by the breeding success of vole-eating avian predators. Journal of Animal Ecournal of Animal Ecology 73, 167-178.

227. * Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.) 2004. On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology. Edited by P.R. Ehrlich & Hanski, I. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 371 pp.

228. Hanski, I. & Gaggiotti, O. (Eds.) 2004. Ecology, genetics, and evolution of metapopulations. Edited by Hanski, I. & Gaggiotti, O. Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam, 696 pp.

229. Hanski, I. & Gaggiotti, O. E. 2004. Metapopulation biology: past, present, and future. In: Hanski, I. & Gaggiotti, O.E. (Eds.), Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulation, pp. 3-22. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam.

230. Ovaskainen, O. & Hanski, I. 2004. Metapopulation dynamics in highly fragmented landscapes. In: Hanski, I. & Gaggiotti, O.E. (Eds.), Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulation, pp. 73-104. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam.

231. Gaggiotti, O.E. & Hanski, I. 2004. Mechanisms of population extinction. In: Hanski, I. & Gaggiotti, O.E. (Eds.), Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulation, pp. 337-366. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam.

232. Thomas, CD. & Hanski, I. 2004. Metapopulation dynamics in changing environments: butterfly responses to habitat and climaste change. In: Hanski, I. & Gaggiotti, O.E. (Eds.), Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Metapopulation, pp. 489-514. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam.

233. Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. 2004. Checkerspot research: background and origins. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 3-16. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

234. Murphy, D.D., Wahlberg, N., Hanski, I. & Ehrlich, P.R. 2004. Introducing checkerspots: taxonomy and ecology. . In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 17-33. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

235. Nieminen, M., Siljander, M. & Hanski, I. 2004. Structure and dynamics of Melitaea cinxia metapopulations. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 63-91. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

236. van Nouhuys, S. & Hanski, I. 2004. Natural enemies of checkerspots. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 161-180. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

237. Saccheri, I.J., Boggs, C.L., Hanski, I. & Ehrlich, P.R. 2004. Genetics of checkerspot populations. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 199-218. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

238. Singer, M.C. & Hanski, I. 2004. Dispersal behavior and evolutionary metapopulation dynamics. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 181-198. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

239. Wahlberg, N., Ehrlich, P.R., Boggs, C.L. & Hanski, I. 2004. Bay checkerspot and Glanville fritillary compared with other species. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 219-244. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

240. Hanski, I., Hellmann, J.J., Boggs, C.L. & McLaughlin, J.F. 2004. Checkerspots as a model system in population biology. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 245-263. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

241. Hanski, I., Ehrlich. P.R., Nieminen, M., Murphy, D.D., Hellmann, J.J., Boggs, C.L. & McLaughlin, J.F. 2004. Checkerspots and conservation biology. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 264-287. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

242. Ehrlich, P.R., Hanski, I. & Boggs, C.L. 2004. What have we learned? In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 288-300. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

243. Hanski, I. & Ehrlich, P.R. 2004. A look to the future. In: Ehrlich, P.R. & Hanski, I. (Eds.), On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology, pp. 301-306. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

244. Zhang, D.-Y., Lin, K. & Hanski, I. 2004. Coexistence of cryptic species. Ecology Letters 7, 165-169.

245. Colas, B., Thomas, C.D. & Hanski, I, 2004. Adaptive responses to landscape disturbance: empirical evidence. In: Ferrière, R., Dieckmann, U. and Couvet, D. (eds.), Evolutionary Conservation Biology, pp. 284-299. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

246. Hanski, I. 2004. Metapopulation theory, its use and misuse. Basic and Applied Ecology 5, 225-229.

247. Hanski, I. 2004. Island ecology on mainlands: spatially realistic theory of metapopulation ecology. In: Fernández-Palacios, J.M. & Morici, C. (Eds.) Ecología Insular (Island Ecology), pp. 125-146. Cabildo, La Palma.

248. Siitonen, J. & Hanski, I. 2004. Metsälajiston ekologian ja monimuotoisuus. In: Kuuluvainen, T. ym. (Eds.), Metsän Kätköissä, pp. 76-109. Edita, Helsinki.

249. Ovaskainen, O. & Hanski, I. 2004. From individual behavior to metapopulation dynamics: unifying the patchy population and classic metapopulation models. American Naturalist 164, 364-377.

250. * Hanski, I., Erälahti, C., Kankare, M., Ovaskainen, O. & Sirén, H. 2004. Variation in migration propensity among individuals maintained by landscape structure. Ecology Letters 7, 958-966.

251. Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. and Metz, J.A.J. 2004. Spatial dimensions of population viability. In: Ferrière, R., Dieckmann, U. and Couvet, D. (eds.), Evolutionary Conservation Biology, pp. 59-79. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

252. Matter, S.F., Roland, J., Moilanen, A. and Hanski, I. 2004. Migration and survival of Parnassius smintheus: detecting effects of habitat for individual butterflies. Ecological Applications 14, 1526-1534.

253. Hanski, I. & Walsh, M. 2004. How much, how to? Practical tools for forest conservation. Birdlife International, Helsinki, 48 pp.

254. Kankare, M., van Nouhuys, S., Gaggiotti, O. & Hanski, I. 2005. Metapopulation genetic structure of two coexisting parasitoids of the Glanville fritillary butterfly. Oecologia 143, 77-84.

255. Snäll, T., Pennanen, J., Kivistö, L. and Hanski, I. 2005. Modelling epiphyte metapopulation dynamics in a dynamic forest landscape. Oikos 109, 209-222.

256. Hanski, I. 2005. Landscape fragmentation, biodiversity loss and the societal response. EMBO reports 6, 388-392.

257. Kankare, M., van Nouhuys, S. and Hanski, I. 2005. Genetic divergences among host-specific cryptic species in Cotesia melitaearum aggregbate (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), parasitoids of checkerspot butterflies. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 98, 382-394.

258. Hanski, I. 2005. The Shrinking World: Ecological Consequences of Habitat Loss. International Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany (Excellence in Ecology Series, No 14).

259. Hanski, I. and Meyke, E. 2005. Large-scale dynamics of the Glanville fritillary butterfly: landscape structure, population processes, and weather. In: Roslin, T. and Kotze, J. (eds.), Spatial Ecology of Herbivorous Insects, pp. 379-395. Published in Annals Zoologici Fennici.

260. Haag, C., Saastamoinen, M., Marden, J. and Hanski, I. 2005. A candidate locus for variation in dispersal rate in a butterfly metapopulation. Proc. R. Soc. B 272: 2449-2456.

261. Hanski, I. 2005. Metapopulations, extinction thresholds, and conservation. In: Groom, M.J., Meffe, G.K., Carroll, C.R. et al. (eds.) Principles of Conservation Biology, 3rd edition, pp. 429-431. Sinauer, Sunderland, USA.

262. van Nouhuys, S., Hanski, I. 2005. Metacommunities of butterflies and their parasitoids. In: Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities (M. Leibold, R. Holt, M. Holyoak, eds.) University of Chicago Press. pp. 99-121.

263. Laine, A-L. & Hanski, I. 2006. Large-scale spatial dynamics of a specialist plant pathogen in a fragmented landscape. Journal of Ecology 94: 217-226.

264. Helm, A., Hanski, I. & Pärtel, M. 2006. Slow response of plant species richness to habitat loss and fragmentation. Ecology Letters 9:72-77.

265. Hanski, I., Saastamoinen, M. & Ovaskainen, O. 2006. Dispersal-related life-history trade-offs in a butterfly metapopulation. Journal of Animal Ecology 75:91-100.

266. Sale, P.F., Hanski, I. & Kritzer, J.P. 2006. The merging of metapopulation theory and marine ecology: Establishing the historical context. In: Kritzer, J.P. & Sale, P.F. (eds.), Marine metapopulations, 3-28. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

267. Gilg, O., Sittler, B., Sabard, B., Hurstel, A., Sané, R., Delattre, P. and Hanski, I. 2006. Functional and numerical responses of four lemming predators in high arctic Greenland. Oikos 113:193-216.

268. * Hanski, I. and Saccheri, I. 2006. Molecular-level variation affects population growth in a butterfly metapopulation. PLoS Biology 4:719-726.

269. * Saccheri, I. and Hanski, I. 2006. Natural selection and population dynamics. TREE 21:341-347.

270. Penttilä, R., Lindgren, M., Miettinen, O., Rita, H. and Hanski, I. 2006. Consequences of forest fragmentation for polyporous fungi at two spatial scales. Oikos 114:225-240.

271. Sundell, J., Kojola, I. and Hanski, I. 2006. A new GPS-GSM-based method to study behavior of brown bears. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:446-450.

272. Jalonen, R., Hanski, I., Kuuluvainen, T., Nikinmaa, E., Pelkonen, P., Puttonen, P., Raitoo, K. ja Tahvonen, O. (eds.) 2006. Uusi Metsäkirja. Gaudeamus, Helsinki. 382 sivua.

273. Moilanen, A. and Hanski, I. 2006. Connectivity and metapopulation dynamics in highly fragmented landscapes. In: Crooks, K.R. and Sanjayan, M. (eds.), Connectivity conservation, pp. 44-71. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

274. Hanski, I., Koivulehto, H., Cameron, A. and Rahagalala, P. 2007. Deforestation and apparent extinctions of endemic forest beetles in Madagascar. Biology Letters 3: 344-347.

275. Välimäki, K., Hinten, G. and Hanski, I. 2007. Inbreeding and competitive ability in the common shrew (Sorex araneus). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 61:997-1005.

276. * Orsini, L., Koivulehto, H. and Hanski, I. 2007. Molecular evolution and radiation of dung beetles in Madagascar. Cladistics 23: 145-168.

277. Painter, J.N., Siitonen, J. and Hanski, I. 2007. Phylogeographic patterns and genetic diversity in three species of Eurasian boreal forest beetles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 267-279.

278. Orsini, L., Pajunen, M., Hanski, I. and Savilahti, H. 2007. SNP recovery by mismatch-targeting of Mu transposition. Nucleic Acids Research 35(6):e44; doi:10.1093/nar/gkm070.

279. Hanski, I. and Pöyry, J. 2007. Insect populations in fragmented habitats. In: Stewart, A.J.A, New, T.R. and Lewis, O.T. (eds.), Insect conservation biology, pp. 175-202. The Royal Entomological Society symposium volume, published by CABI, UK.

280. Zheng, C., Ovaskainen, O., Saastamoinen, M. and Hanski, I. 2007. Age-dependent survival analysed with Bayesian models of mark-recapture data. Ecology 88: 1970-1976.

281. Hanski, I. 2007. Viestejä saarilta. Miksi luonnon monimuotoisuus hupenee? Gaudeamus, Helsinki, 231 pp.

282. * Vera, J.C., Wheat, C.W., Fescemyer, H.W., Frilander, M.J., Crawford, D.L., Hanski, I. and Marden, J.H. 2008. Rapid transcriptome characterization for a non-model organism using massively parallel 454 pyrosequencing. Molecular Ecology 17: 1636-1647.

283. Hanski, I. 2008. Insect conservation in boreal forests. Journal of Insect Conservation 12: 451-454

284. Hanski, I. 2008. Spatial patterns of coexistence of competing species in patchy habitats. Theoretical Ecology 1: 29-43.

285. Hanski, I. 2008. The world that became ruined. EMBO reports 9: S34-S36.

286. Hanski, I. 2008. Täpläverkkoperhonen populaatiobikologian mallilajina. Sphinx Yearbook 2007-08, 45-54., in press.

287. Saastamoinen, M. and Hanski, I. 2008. Genotypic and environmental effects on flight activity and oviposition in the Glanville fritillary. The American Naturalist 171: E701-712.

288. * Wirta, H., Wirta H., Orsini L. and Hanski I. 2008. An old adaptive radiation of forest dung beetles in Madagascar. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47: 1076-1089.

289. Orsini, L., Corander, J. Alasentie, A. and Hanski, I. 2008. Genetic spatial structure in a butterfly metapopulation correlates better with past than present demographic structure. Molecular Ecology 17: 2629-2642.

290. Hanski, I. 2008. The theories of island biogeography and metapopulation dynamics: Science marches forward, but the legacy of good ideas lasts for a long time. In: Ricklefs, R. and Losos, J. (eds.), The theory of island biogeography revisited. Princeton University Press, Harvard. In press.

291. Hanski, I. 2008. Metapopulations and spatial population processes. In: The Princeton Guide to Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton. In press.

292. Hanski, I. 2008. Metapopulation models. In: S.E. Jørgensen & B.D. Fath (Editors in Chief), Population dynamics. Vol 3 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, pp. 2318-2325, Oxford: Elsevier.

293. Hanski, I. 2008. Evoluutio metapopulaatioissa. Kirjassa Portin, P. ja Vuorisalo, T. (toim.). Evoluutio Nyt! Kirja-Aurora, Turku.

294. Hanski, I., Wirta, H., Nyman, T. and Rahagalala, P. 2008. Resource shifts in Malagasy dung beetles: contrasting processes revealed by dissimilar spatial genetic patterns. Ecology Letters 11: 1208-1215.

295. Marden, J.H., Fescemyer, H.W., Saastamoinen, M., MacFarland, S.P., Vera, J.C., Frilander, M.J. and Hanski, I. 2008. Weight and nutrition affect pre-mRNA splicing of a muscle gene associated with performance, energetics and life history. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3653-3660.

296. * Ovaskainen, O., Smith, A.D., Osborne, J.L., Reynolds, D.R., Carreck, N.L., Martin, A.P., Niitepõld, K. and Hanski, I. 2008. Tracking butterfly movements with harmonic radar reveals an effect of population age on movement frequency. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105: 19090-19095.

297. Hanski, I. 2009. Incorporating the spatial configuration of the habitat into ecology and evolutionary biology. In: Cantrell, S. (ed.), Spatial Ecology. CRC Press. In press.

298. * Orsini, L., Wheat, C.W., Haag, C.R., Kvist, J., Frilander, M.J. and Hanski, I. 2009. Fitness differences associated with Pgi SNP genotypes in the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 367-375.

299. Saastamoinen, M., Ikonen, S. and Hanski, I. 2009. Significant effects of Pgi genotype and body reserves on lifespan in the Glanville fritillary butterfly. Proc. Royal Society of London, in press.

300. * Zheng, C., Ovaskainen, O. and Hanski, I. 2009. Modelling single nucleotide effects in the Pgi gene on dispersal in the Glanville fritillary butterfly: coupling of ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Phil. Trans R. Soc. B 364, 1519-1532.

301. Niitepõld, K., Smith, A.D, Osborne, J.L., Reynolds, D.R., Carreck, N.L., Martin, A.P., Marden, J.H., Ovaskainen , O. and Hanski, I. 2009. Flight metabolic rate and Pgi genotype influence butterfly dispersal rate in the field. Ecology, in press.

302. Rahagalala, P., Viljanen, H., Hottola, J. and Hanski, I. 2009. Assemblages of dung beetles using cattle dung in Madagascar. African Entomology 17, 71-89.

303. Soubeyrand, S., Laine, A.-L., Hanski, I. and Penttinen, A. 2009. Spatiotemporal structure of host-pathogen interactions in a metapopulation. American Naturalist 174, 308-320.

304. Hanski, I., Meyke, E. and Miinala, M. 2009. Deforestation and tropical insect extinctions. Biology Letters 5, 653-655.

305. Klemme, I. and Hanski. I. 2009 Heritability of and strong single gene (Pgi) effects on life-history traits in the Glanville fritillary butterfly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22, 1944-1953.

306. Wheat, Wheat, C. W., Haag, C. R., Marden, J. H., Hanski, I. and Frilander, M. J. 2009. Nucleotide polymorphism at a gene (Pgi) under balancing selection in a butterfly metapopulation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, in press.

307. Hottola, J., Ovaskainen, O. and Hanski, I. 2009. A unified measure of the number, volume and diversity of dead trees and response of fungal communities. Journal of Ecology 97, 1320-1328.

308. Gilg, O., Sittler, B. and Hanski, I. 2009. Climate change and cyclic predator-prey population dynamics in the high Arctic. Global Change Biology 15, 2634-2652.

309. Lehtomäki, J., Tomppo, E., Kuokkanen, P., Hanski, I. and Moilanen, A. 2009. Applying spatial conservation prioritization software and high-resolution GIS data to a national-scale study in forest conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 258, 2439-2449.

310. Hanski, I. 2009. Metapopulations and spatial population processes. In: Levin, S.A. (editor), The Princeton Guide to Ecology, pp. 177-185. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

311. Hanski, I., Niiniluoto, I. ja Hetemäki, I. (toim.) 2009. Kaikki Evoluutiosta. Gaudeamus, Helsinki. 260 sivua.

312. Viljanen, H., Escobar, F. and Hanski, I. 2010. Low alpha but high beta diversity in forest dung beetles in Madagascar. Global Ecology and Biogeograpy, in press.

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