Manuel Herrero Sánchez - Selected Publications#
Political Representation in the Ancien Régime, (coedited with Joaquim Albareda), London/New York, ROUTLEDGE, 2018.
La Mémoire des révoltes en Europe à l’époque modern, (coedited with Alexandra Merle and Stéphane Jettot), Paris, CLASSIQUES GARNIER, 2018.
"The business relations, identities, and political resources of the Italian merchants in the early-modern Spanish monarchy. Some introductory remarks. " in EUROPEAN REVIEW OF HISTORY/Revue européenne d'histoire, (2016), 23/3, pp. 335-347.

Repúblicas y republicanismo en la Europa Moderna, FONDO DE CULTURA ECONÓMICA, Madrid, 2017. The book has so far the following reviews in Carlos Martínez Shaw, El País; José Miguel Abad, Desperta Ferro; Pablo Fernández Albaladejo, Cuadernos de Historia Moderna,; Alexandra Gittermann, Sehepunkte ; Adolfo Carrasco Martínez, El Cultural de El Mundo; Verónica Salazar Baena, Revista Fronteras de la Historia; José Miguel Escribano, The Journal of Early Modern American History; David Guerrero Martín, Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas; Christopher Storrs, The English Historical Review; Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Les Cahiers de Framespa; Ofelia Rey Castelao, Hispania.
Connectors of commercial maritime systems: Merchants and trade networks between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean (1600-1800), (coedited with Klemens Kaps), ROUTELEGE, London/New York, 2017.
“Continuity and Change in Spanish-Dutch Relations between Westphalia (1648) and Utrecht (1714)”, in Inken Schmidt-Voges y Ana Crespo Solana (eds.), "New Worlds? Transformations in the culture of international relations", ROUTELEGE, London/New York, 2017, pp. 58-78.
“Conectores sefarditas en una Monarquía policéntrica. El caso Belmonte/Schonenberg en la articulación de las relaciones hispano-neerlandesas durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII”, HISPANIA, LXXVI, 253 (mayo-agosto, 2016), pp. 445-472.
“Paz, razón de estado y diplomacia en la Europa de Westfalia. Los límites del triunfo del sistema de soberanía plena y la persistencia de los modelos policéntricos (1648-1713)”, ESTUDIS Revista de Historia Moderna, 41, 2015, pp. 43-65.
“La red diplomática de las Provincias Unidas en la Corte española durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII” DIMENSIONIS E PROBLEMI DELLA RICERCA STORICA, 1/2014, pp. 131-163.
“Foreign Communities in the Cities of the Catholic Monarchy: a Comparative Perspective Between the Overseas Dominions and Crown of Castile” in Harald BRAUN and Jesús PÉREZ MAGALLÓN (ed.), The Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque. Complex identities in the Atlantic World, Surrey, ASGHATE, 2014, pp. 187-204.