Jason Hughes#
Membership Number: | 5229 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2020 |
Main Country of Residence: | UNITED KINGDOM |
Homepage(s): | https://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/sociology/people/prof-jason-hughes |
ORCID: | 0000-0002-3513-440X |
X: | @jrah1 |
Linkedin: | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-hughes-4b9b92b/ |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2013, April - Present Professor of Sociology Department of Sociology/School of Media, Communication and Sociology, University of Leicester
- 2014, January - 2019, August Head of Sociology Department/Head of School of Media, Communication and Sociology, University of Leicester
- 2007, January - 2013, April Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology & Communications, Brunel University.
- 2007, January - 2013, April Deputy Head of School of Social Sciences, Brunel University.
- 2006, January - 2007, September Senior Lecturer, Brunel Business School, Brunel University.
- 1996, April - 2005, December Lecturer. Centre for Labour Market Studies. University of Leicester.
Fields of Scholarship
- Figurational sociology
- Theory and methods
- Addiction and substance use
- Work, identity and emotion
Honours and Awards
- Hughes, J. (2003) Learning to Smoke: Tobacco Use in the West. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Winner of 2007 Norbert Elias Best Book Prize