
Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano - Selected Publications (https://unizar.academia.edu/IraideIbarretxeAntuñano)#

1. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I., & J. Valenzuela. 2021. Lenguaje y cognición. Madrid: Síntesis.

2. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I., T. Cadierno & A. Castañeda. Eds. 2019. Lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2. London: Routledge.

3. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I. & F. Cheikh-Khamis. 2019. “How to become a woman without turning into a Barbie”: Change-of-state verb constructions and their role in Spanish as a Foreign Language. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching Journal (IRAL) 57(1): 97-120.

Impact factor 1.242 (2017), 0.59 (5 yrs). JCR Q4 (Linguistics 143 of 180). SCImago SJR (2017; Language and Linguistics): Q1 (0.892).

4. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I. Eds. 2017. Motion and Space across Languages: Theory and Applications. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

5. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I. 2017. Basque ideophones from a typological perspective. The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique 62(2): 1-21.
SCImago SJR (2015; Language and Linguistics): Q2 (0,139).

6. Cadierno, T., I. Ibarretxe-Antuñano & A. Hijazo-Gascón. 2016. Semantic categorization of placement verbs in L1 and L2 speakers of Danish and Spanish. Language Learning 66 (1): 191-223.
Impact factor 2.079 (2016), 3.047 (5 yrs). JCR Q1 (Linguistics 13 of 180). SCImago SJR (2015; Language and Linguistics): Q1 (2,473).

7. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I. 2015. Going beyond motion events typology: the case of Basque as a verb-framed language. Folia Linguistica 49 (2): 307-352.
Impact factor 0.312 (2016), 0.578 (5 yrs) JCR Q3 (Linguistics 134 of 180). SCImago SJR (2015; Language and Linguistics): Q4 (0,101).

8. Rojo, A. & I. Ibarretxe-Antuñano. Eds. 2013. Cognitive Linguistics and Translation: Advances in Some Theoretical Models and Applications. Berlín/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Reviewed: Atlantis 37:1 (2015): 245-249; Review of Cognitive Linguistis 14:2 (2016), 523-531.

9. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I. 2013. The relationship between conceptual metaphor and culture. Intercultural Pragmatics 10.2: 315-339. Impact factor 0,769 (2016), 1.12 (5 yrs) JCR Q2 (Linguistics 78 of 180). SCImago SJR (2015; Language and Linguistics): Q2 (0,286).

10. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I. & J. Valenzuela. Dirs. 2012. Lingüística Cognitiva. Barcelona: Anthropos.
Reviewed in: Infoling 5.65 (2013); Etudes Romanes de Brno 2014: 247-248; MarcoELE 18 (2014); Review of Cognitive Linguistics 12:1 (2014): 243-250; Anuario de Letras I:2 (2014): 375-383; Australian Journal of Linguistics 35:4 (2015): 433-435.

11. Bohnemeyer, J., N. Enfield, J. Essegbey, I. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, S. Kita, F. Lüpke, F.K. Ameka. 2007. Principles of event segmentation in language: The case of motion events. Language 83.3: 495-532.
Impact factor 1.714 (2016), 2.757 (5 yrs) JCR Q1 (Linguistics 23 of 180). SCImago SJR (2015; Language and Linguistics): Q1 (1,678).

12. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I. 1999. Metaphorical Mappings in the Sense of Smell. R.W. Jr. Gibbs & G. J. Steen (eds.), Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 29-45.

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