Ludmil Katzarkov - Selected Publications#

L. Katzarkov, 3501 citations
GS data
H index 30 I-10 index 68

1. Hodge theoretic aspects of mirror symmetry L. Katzarkov, M. Kontsevich, T. Pantev, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 2008 , 78. 325 citations.

2. Flat surfaces and stability structures F. Haiden, L. Katzarkov, M. Kontsevich
Publ. de IHES, 2017 126 (1), 139 citations.

3 Tropical homologyI. Itenberg, L.Katzarkov, G. Mikhalkin, I. Zharkov, Mathematische Annalen 2019 374 (1), 963-1006, 73 citations.

4. Variation of geometric invariant theory quotients and derived categories,M. Ballard, D. Favero, L. Katzarkov, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2019 (746) , 235- 303. 69 cit.

5. Singular Lefschetz pencils, D. Auroux, S. Donaldson, L. Katzarkov Geometry & Topology 9 (2) 2005, 1043-1114, 125 cit.

6.Luttinger surgery along Lagrangian tori and non-isotopy for singular symplectic plane curves, D. Auroux, S. Donaldson, L. Katzarkov Mathematische Annalen, 326 (1)2003, 185-203, 130 cit.

7. Mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces: vanishing cycles and coherent sheaves, D. Auroux, L. Katzarkov, D. Orlov, Inventiones mathematicae 166 (3) 2006, 537-582, 191 cit.

8. Mirror symmetry for weighted projective planes and their noncommutative deformations. D. Auroux, L. Katzarkov, D. Orlov, Annals of mathematics (2) 2008, 867-943. 171 cit.

9. Symplectic Lefschetz fibrations with arbitrary fundamental groups, J. Amorós, F. Bogomolov, L. Katzarkov, T. Pantev,Journal of Differential Geometry 54 (3) 2000, 489-545. 101 cit.

10. Dynamical systems and categories G. Dimitrov, F. Haiden, L.Katzarkov, M. Kontsevich, The influence of Solomon Lefschetz in geometry and topology Contemp Math. 621,2014, 133-170, 78 cit.

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