
Jan Klop#

Full list of publications

Bibliometric data:

Major publications

(1) Terese. Term Rewriting Systems, volume 55 of Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science. Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pages xxii + 884.

(2) J.W. Klop and R.C. de Vrijer. Infinitary normalization. In: We Will Show Them: Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, volume 2, editors S. Artemov, H. Barringer, A.S. d'Avila Garcez, L.C. Lamb and J. Woods, pages 169-192, College Publications, 2005.

(3) C. Grabmayer, J.W. Klop, and B. Luttik: Some Remarks on Definability of Process Graphs, In: C.Baier, H. Hermanns [eds.]: Proceedings of CONCUR 2006, LNCS 4137, p.16-36, Springer Verlag, 2006.

(4) J. Endrullis, C. Grabmayer, D. Hendriks, A. Isihara and J.W. Klop.
Productivity of Stream Definitions, in: Special issue, selected papers from Fundamentals of Computation Theory 2007, Vol. 411, Issues 4-5 of Theoretical Computer Science, p. 765-782.

(5) 2008. J.W. Klop, V. van Oostrom, and R.C. de Vrijer. Lambda Calculus with Patterns. TCS 398 p.16-31, 2008.

(6) J. Endrullis, C.Grabmayer, D. Hendriks, J.W Klop and R.C. de Vrijer.
Proving Infinitary Normalization, in: Types for Proofs and Programs, Int. Conf.- TYPES 2008, Vol. 5497 of Springer LNCS, p. 64-82. Springer, 2009.

(7) 2009. H.P. Barendregt and J.W. Klop. Applications of infinitary lambda terms. Information and Computation, 207, 559-582.

(8) J. Endrullis, D. Hendriks and J.W. Klop
Modular Construction of Fixed Point Combinators and Clocked Böhm Trees
Logic in Computer Science, Proc. Symp. - LICS 2010. pp. 111-119, IEEE Computer Society, 2010.

(9) J. Endrullis, C. Grabmayer, D. Hendriks, J.W. Klop and V. van Oostrom.
Unique Normal Forms in Infinitary Weakly Orthogonal Rewriting,
in: Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Proc. Int. Conf. - RTA 2010, Vol. 6 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, pages 85-102.

Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2010.
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