
Ute Kolb - Publications#

Web of Science Researcher ID: A-2642-2011
Number of papers (from Web of Science) = 279
Total number of citations = 11,194; H-index = 56; Average citations per paper = 40

10 Selected Publications

1. Elucidating structural order and disorder phenomena in mullite-type Al4B2O9 by automated electron diffraction tomography, H. Zhao, Y. Krysiak, K. Hoffmann, B. Barton, L. Molina-Luna, R. B. Neder, H.-J. Kleebe, T. M. Gesing, H. Schneider, R. X. Fischer, U. Kolb, J. Solid State Chem. 249, 114–123 (2017).

2. Ab initio structure determination and quantitative disorder analysis on nanoparticles by electron diffraction tomography, Y. Krysiak, B. Barton, B. Marler, R. B. Neder, U. Kolb, Acta Cryst. A 115, 41–49 (2018).

3. Automated Electron Diffraction Tomography – development and applications, U. Kolb, Y. Krysiak, S. Plana-Ruiz, Acta Cryst. B, 75, 463–474 (2019).

4. A New Hydrated Crystalline Calcium Carbonate Phase: Calcium Carbonate Hemihydrate, Z. Zou, W.J.E.M. Habraken, G. Matveeva, A.C.S. Jensen, L. Bertinetti, M.A. Hood, C. Sun, P.U.P.A. Gilbert, I. Polishchuk, B. Pokroy, J. Mahamid, Y. Politi, S. Weiner, P. Werner, S. Bette, R. Dinnebier, U. Kolb, E. Zolotoyabko, P. Fratzl, Science, 363, 396 - 400 (2019).

5. Fast-ADT: A Fast and Automated Electron Diffraction Tomography Setup for Structure Determination and Refinement, S. Plana-Ruiz, Y. Krysiak, J. Portillo, E. Alig, S. Estrade, F. Peiró, U. Kolb, Ultramicroscopy, 211, 112951 (2020).

6. New Zeolite-Like RUB-5 and its Related Hydrous Layer Silicate RUB-6 Structurally Characterized by Electron Microscopy, Y. Krysiak, B. Marler, B. Barton, S. Plana-Ruiz, H. Gies, R. B. Neder, U. Kolb, IUCrJ, 7, 522–534 (2020).

7. High Cycle Life All-Solid-State Fluoride Ion Battery with La2NiO4+d High Voltage Cathode, A. Nowroozi, K. Wissel, M. Donzelli, N. Hosseinpourkahvaz, S. Plana-Ruiz, U. Kolb, R. Schoch, M. Bauer, A. M. Malik, J. Rohrer, S. Ivlev, F. Kraus, O. Clemens, Communications Materials, 1, 27 (2020).

8. Novel High-Pressure Tin Oxynitride Sn2N2O, S. Bhat, L. Wiehl, S. Haseen, P. Kroll, K. Glazyrin, P. Gollé-Leidreiter, U. Kolb, R. Farla, J.-C. Tseng, E. Ionescu, T. Katsura, R. Riedel, Chem. Eur. J., 26, 2187-2194 (2020).

9. The hierarchical internal structure of labradorite, E. Götz, H.-J. Kleebe, U. Kolb, Eur. J. Mineral., 34, 393-410, (2022).

10. Crystal structure determination of a new LaPO4 phase in a multicomponent glass ceramic via 3D electron diffraction, P. Gollé-Leidreiter, B. Durschang, U. Kolb, G. Sextl, Ceramics International, 48, 3790-3799 (2022).

Book chapter: Electron powder diffraction, J.M. Zuo, J.L. Lábár, T.E. Gorelik and U. Kolb, International Tables for Crystallography, Volume H (2019)

Book chapter: Introduction to Three Dimensional Electron Crystallography, A. Stewart and U. Kolb, Encyclopedia of Materials: Technical Ceramics and Glasses, 1st Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Michael Pomeroy (ed.) (2021)

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