Emmanuel Kowalski - Selected Publications#

Bilinear forms with Kloosterman sums and applications, (with. P. Michel and W. Sawin), Annals of Math. 186 (2017), 413–500.

New equidistribution theorems of Zhang type, (collaborative work makde under the collective name D.H.J. Polymath), Algebra and Number Theory 8 (2014), 2067–2199.

Algebraic twists of modular forms and Hecke orbits, (with E. Fouvry and P. Michel), Geom. Funct. Anal. (2015).

Algebraic trace functions over the primes, (with E. Fouvry and P. Michel), Duke Math. Journal 163 (2014), 1683–1736.

Expander graphs, gonality and variation of Galois representations, (with J. Ellenberg and C. Hall), Duke Math. J. 161 (2012), 1233–1275.

Analytic Number Theory, (with H. Iwaniec), A.M.S Colloquium Publ. 53, 2004. (Currently considered as the ultimate exposition for analytic number theory.)

Rankin-Selberg L functions in the level aspect, (with P. Michel and J. Vanderkam), Duke Math. Journal 114 (2002), 123–191.

Mollification of the fourth moment of automorphic L-functions and arithmetic applications, (with P. Michel and J. Vanderkam), Invent. math. 142, 95–151 (2000).

The analytic rank of J0(q) and zeros of automorphic L-functions, (with P. Michel), Duke Math. Journal 100, 503–547 (2000).

A problem of Linnik for elliptic curves and mean-value estimates for automorphic representations, (with W. Duke), Invent. math. 139, 1–39 (2000).

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