
Janusz Krzysztof Kozlowski - Selected publications#

M,.Otte, J.K.Kozlowski, L’Aurignacien de Zagros. ERAUL 118, Liege 2007.

J.K.Kozlowski, M.Nowak, eds., Mesolithic/Neolithic interactions in the Balkans and in the Middle Danube basin. BAR International Series, vol.1726, 2007.

N.Cauve, P.M.Dolukhanov, J.K.Kozlowski, Le Neolithique en Europe. Armand Collin, Paris 2007

J.K.Kozlowski, The significance of blade Technologies in the period 50-35 Kyr B.P. (w) Rethinking the Human Revolution, Cambridge, 317-329

J.K.Kozlowski, Looking for the origin of Modernity, Diogenes/UNESCO, t.215, 134-145.

J.K.Kozlowski, P.Raczky (eds) The Lengyel, Polgar and related cultures in the Middle/Late Neolithic in Central Europe. PAU/ELTE, 2008, 528 pp

Direction of diffusion and conact zones of early farming in Europe from the space-time distribution of C-14 dates. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36, 807-820 (with J.M.Bocquet-Appel i M.van den Linden)

Le concept du territoire dans le Paleolithique superieur europeen, ed.F.Djindjian, J.K.Kozłowski, F.Bicho, British Archaeological Reports, International Series, t.1938.

J.K.Kozłowski, Le Paleolithique autor de la Mediterranee.Essai de synthese (in) Ismail Serageldin, Eric Crubezy. Biblitheca Alexandrina, Alexandria 2009, s.321-346

J.K.Kozlowski, Interactions between different models of Neolithization north of the Central European agro-ecological barrier.J.K.Kozłowski (ed) Prace Komisji Prehistorii Karpat PAU Krakow 2009, 202 pp.
J.K.Kozłowski, Biological vs cultural differenciation at the Middle to the Upper Palaeolithic transition. Origini 32, nuova serie 4, 2010, 27-51.

The Prehistory of the island of Kythnos (Cyclades, Greece) and the Mesolithic settlement at Maroulas. The Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow 2011 (230 pp) (with A.Sampson, M.Kaczanowska).
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