Mart Krupovic - Curriculum Vitae#

  • 02.2018 HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches), Sorbonne University, Paris, France
  • 01.2006 - 08.2010 Ph.D., General Microbiology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  • 09.2003 - 06.2005 M.Sc., Biochemistry, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 09.1999 - 06.2003 B.Sc., Biochemistry, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

  • 01.2020 - present Head, Archaeal Virology Unit, Dept. Microbiol, Institut Pasteur
  • 04.2019 - present Directeur de recherche, Dept. Microbiol, Institut Pasteur
  • 01.2018 - 12.2019 Chef de groupe, Dept Microbiol, Institut Pasteur
  • 09.2012 - 03.2019 Chargé de recherche, Dept Microbiol, Institut Pasteur
  • 09.2010 - 08.2012 EMBO Postdoctoral fellow, Dept Microbiol, Institut Pasteur

  • 2017 - present Viral Genome Advisor for RefSeq, NCBI, NIH
  • 2020 - present Chair, Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee; member, Executive Committee of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)
  • 2016 - present Chair, Plasmaviridae Study Group, ICTV
  • 2016 - 2020 Chair, Bidnaviridae Study Group, ICTV

  • 2021 - present mLife (Wiley), Editorial Board Member
  • 2016 - present Virology (Elsevier), Editorial Board Member
  • 2016 - present Research in Microbiology (Elsevier), Editor
  • 2015 - present Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Editorial Board Member
  • 2014 - present Virus Evolution (Oxford University Press), Associate Editor
  • 2013 - present Biology Direct (BioMed Central), Editorial Board Member.
  • 2019 Guest Editor for the Special issue on “Environmental viruses and their role in shaping ecosystems” in Environmental Microbiology (Wiley)
  • 2018 - 2021 Encyclopedia of Virology, 4th edition (Elsevier), Editor of Volume 1
  • 2013 Current Opinion in Virology (Elsevier), Guest Editor for the Virus Evolution section

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