
Interests and Research#

Timothy M. Kusky’s research and teaching focuses on the fields of plate tectonics and the early history of the Earth, convergent margin tectonics, as well as in natural hazards and disasters, satellite imagery, mineral and water resources, and relationships between people and the natural environment. He has worked extensively in North America, Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Anatolia, and the rims of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. He is listed as a highly-cited researcher, and ranks in the upper echelon of Stanford’s top 2% of global scientists. He has authored more than 25 books, several hundred research papers and public interest articles. Some specific areas of current interest include: • Precambrian crustal evolution • Tectonics of convergent margins, modern and ancient • Natural disasters: hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami, floods, etc. • Development of Machine learning and AI techniques for Earth Sciences • Initiation of plate boundaries • Evolution of Early Earth Processes • How societies can grow within and preserve natural heritage

Some of Kusky’s most significant recent achievements, with his students, include the first documentation of Archean mélanges, ultra-high-pressure metamorphism, paired metamorphic belts, inverted metamorphic gradients associated with major thrusts, and eclogite facies oceanic crust, mapping an 1,800 km long Archean orogen with numerous ophiolites and mélanges, and structural, sedimentological, metamorphic, igneous and temporal zoning that are best explained by the plate tectonic paradigm. He has also made the leading plate tectonic models for many cratons on Earth, and is widely recognized as a leader in applying plate tectonic principles to some of the world’s oldest preserved rock sequences.

Separate fields of study have included fundamental advances in bringing multi-spectral remote sensing and artificial intelligence, with big data analysis, to the geosciences. While Kusky maintains a solid field base and ensures his groups use fundamental principles of geology for tectonic interpretation, he also has made some fundamental, highly-cited contributions to these multi-disciplinary fields, with collaborators from Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, and elsewhere.

Throughout his career, Kusky has also worked with international organizations, including UNESCO, IUCN, USGS, BGS, and many others, to promote a balance between developing societal needs, and preserving our natural heritage and environment.

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