Other Information#
Kusky, T.M., and Wang, L., 2021. (Section Editors), "Plate Tectonics and Structural Geology" Section, 49 Chapters. in: Scott Elias, David Alderton, Editors in Chief. Encyclopedia of Geology, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, Elsevier, Book ISBN: 9780081029084, 5000 pp. Publication Date: Dec. 8, 2020.
Kusky, T.M., 2010, Encyclopedia of Earth and Space Sciences, Facts on File, New York, two volumes, 960 pp. ISBN-10: 0816070059; SBN-13: 978-0-8160-7005-3
Kusky, T.M., Zhai, M.G., and Xiao, W.J., 2010, The Evolving Continents: Understanding Processes of Continental Growth, Geological Society of London Special Publication 338, 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-86239-303-5
Criss, Robert E. and Timothy M. Kusky, 2009, Finding the Balance between Floods, Flood Protection, and River Navigation, published by Saint Louis University, Center for Environmental Sciences. Available Online, URL:http://www.ces.slu.edu/
Kusky, T.M., 2009,The Coast, Hazardous Interactions within the Coastal Zone Facts on File, Hazardous Earth Set. New York: Facts on File, 155 pp. (ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6467-0. ISBN-10: 0-8160-6467-9)
Kusky, T.M., 2009, Asteroids and Meteorites: Catastrophic Collisions with Earth Facts on File, Hazardous Earth Set. New York: Facts on File, 130 pp. (ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6469-4. ISBN-10: 0-8160-6469-5)
Kusky, T.M., 2009, Climate Change: Shifting Deserts, Glaciers, and Climate Belts, The Hazardous Earth Set, New York: Facts on File, 156 pp. (ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6466-3. ISBN-10: 978-0-8160-6466-0)
Kusky, T.M., 2008, Floods: Hazards of Surface and Groundwater Systems, The Hazardous Earth Set., New York: Facts On File, 144 pp. (ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6468-7. ISBN-10: -8160-6468-7)
Kusky, T.M., 2008, Natural Hazards, Instructor's Manual, 2/E, Prentice Hall; Copyright: 2008 Format: Paper; 272 pp. Pub Date: Feb 28, 2008, ISBN-10: 0132394510, ISBN-13: 9780132394512
Kusky, T.M., 2008, Earthquakes: Plate Tectonics and Earthquake Hazards, Facts on File, The Hazardous Earth, 169 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6462-5, ISBN-10: 0-8160-6462-8 (QE534.3K7)
Kusky, T.M., 2008, Volcanoes: Eruptions and Other Volcanic Hazards, Facts on File, The Hazardous Earth, ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6463-2, ISBN-10: 0-8160—6463-6 (QE522.K87 2008). 177 pp.
Kusky, T.M., 2008, Tsunami: Giant Waves from the Sea Facts on File, The Hazardous Earth, ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6464-9; ISBN-10: 0-8160-6464-4, 133 pp.
Kusky, T.M., 2008, Landslides: Mass Wasting, Soil, and Mineral Hazards, Facts on File, The Hazardous Earth. 128 pp. ISBN-13: 9780816064656
Key, R.M., Pitfield, P.E.J., Thomas, R.J., Annells, R.A., Bauer, W., Burton, B., Conrad, J., Chacksfield, B., DeWaele, B., Ford, J., Goodenough, K.M., Hall, M., Hawkins, M., Horstwood, M., Howard, K., Jordan, C, Kusky, T.M., Lapworth, D., Lidke, D., Peters, S.G., Pouliquen, G., Rakotoson, R.L., Ralison, V., Randriamananjara, T., Scheib, A., Schofield, D.I., Smith, R.A., Styles, M., Taylor, C.D., and Tucker, R.D., 2008, Revision de la Cartographie Géologique et Miniere des Zones Nord et Centre de Madagascar, Republique de Madagascar, Ministere de L'Energie et des Mines (MEM/SG/DG/UCP/PGRM), Project de Gouvernance des Ressources Minerales (PRGM), BGS Report CR/08/078. 1048 pp. Report is associated with about 100 maps at 1:1,000,000, 1:250,000, 1:100,000, and more detailed scales. Appendices (424 pp.)
Zhai, M.G., Windley, B.F., Kusky, T.M., and Meng, Q.R., 2007, Mesozoic Sub-Continental Lithospheric Thinning Under Eastern Asia, Geological Society of London Special Publication 280, 352 pp., ISBN 978-1-86239-225-0 . Kusky, T.M., 2010, Encyclopedia of Earth and Space Sciences, Facts on File, New York, two volumes, 960 pp. ISBN-10: 0816070059; SBN-13: 978-0-8160-7005-3
Kusky, T.M., 2006, Natural Hazards, Instructors Manual, Pearson/Prentice Hall Publishers, ISBN 0-13-060089-X. http://vig.prenhall.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,013060089X,00.html
Kusky, Timothy, 2005, Science Online - Encyclopedia of Earth Science. New York: Facts On File, Inc., Facts On File, Inc. <www.fofweb.com>. ISBN: 0-8160-4428-7
Kusky, T.M., editor, 2004, Precambrian Ophiolites and Related Rocks, Developments in Precambrian Geology v. 13, Elsevier Publishers, ISBN# 0444509232, 748 pp. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/703299/description#description
Kusky, T.M., 2004, Encyclopedia of Earth Science, 528 pages, Facts on File, New York, ISBN 0816049734. http://www.factsonfile.com/newfacts/FactsDetail.asp?PageValue=Books&SIDText=0816049734&LeftID=
Kusky, T.M., 2003, Geological Hazards; A Sourcebook. 300 pp. An Oryx Boox. Greenwood Press, Westport Conn., ISBN 1-57356-469-9. http://www.greenwood.com/books/BookDetail.asp?dept_id=1&sku=OXHAZGEO
Kusky, T.M., 2002, Asteroids, Meteorites, and Comets, Foreword to Book by J. Erickson, Facts on File Library of Science. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0816050767/qid=1040141938/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_0_3/026-4245624-6542811
Kusky, T.M., 2002, Marine Geology: Exploring the New Frontiers of the Ocean, Foreword to Book by J. Erickson, Facts on File Library of Science. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books-uk&field-author=Kusky%2C%20Timothy/026-4245624-6542811
El-Baz, F., and Sarawi, M. (editors) (12 co-authors, including T. Kusky), 2000, Atlas of the State of Kuwait from Satellite Images, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science, 145 large-format pages, printed in Germany by Cantz, ISBN 99906-30-00-3.
Peters, S.G., Lampietti, F.M.J., Bawiec, W.J., Sutphin, D.M., Taylor, C.D., Kusky, T.M., Schultz, K.J., Singer, D.A., Randriamananjara, T., Duval, J.S., Hammerstron, J.M., Slack, J.F., Lipin, B.R., Cannon, W.F., Zientek, M.L., Foose, M.P., and Rakotomanana, D., 2003, Pre-Assessment of Madagascar's Undiscovered Non-Fuel Mineral Resources, U.S. Geological Survey Administrative Report, 179 pp. Plus GIS.
El-Baz, F., Kusky, T.M., Himida, I. and Abdel-Mogheeth, S., editors, 1998, Ground Water Potential of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, 219 pp.
Kusky, T. M., 1990, Tectonics of the Archean Slave Province, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, 356 pp., January 1989, (advisors, Declan De Paor, Carol Simpson, Bruce Marsh: outside reader, Paul Hoffman).
Kusky, T. M., 1985, Geology of the Frozen Ocean Lake - New Bay Pond Area, North Central Newfoundland, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geological Sciences, State University of New York at Albany, August 1985, 214 pp. 3 maps, (advisors W.S.F. Kidd, Kevin Burke, John F. Dewey, and D. C. Bradley). http://www.atmos.albany.edu/geology/webpages/tkuskyms.html//
Dr. Jiannan Meng, Ph.D. 2024, Hubei Province Elite post-doc award, 2024. post-doc topic. Integrating Machine Learning and AI for interpreting surface fault features and geohazards.//
Dr. Wenbin Ning, Ph.D. 2023, Hubei Province top-post doc award, 2023, post-doc topic: Petrotectonics of granulites and eclogite-facies blocks in mélange, Eastern Hebei, China.//
Dr. Wan Le, Ph.D. 2020, China University of Geosciences. Topic, Petrogenesis and subduction initiation of Tauride ophiolites, Turkey. Present Position. Research Geologist, Hubei Province Geological Survey.//
Dr. Fu Dong, Ph.D. 2020. Topic, Tectonic correlation of structural and metallogenic belts of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt from Mongolia to China. Present position, Associate Professor, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan//
Dr. Yang Huang (Boom). Ph.D., 2018. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. Analysis of inclusions in podiform chromites from Archean and Phanerozoic ophiolites. Present Position: Associate Professor, Chongcheng University of Technology.//
Dr. Junpeng Wang, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Archean mélange s of the Central Orogenic Belt, China. Present Position: Professor and EPMA Lab Director, Center for Global Tectonics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan.//
Dr. Guanzhong Shi. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. Tectonics of the Ondor Sum accretionary belt and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Present Position: Editor of China University of Geoscience journal.//
Dr. Hui Li. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Geospatial Analysis of Active Tectonic Landforms. Using GIS and Remote Sensing to Detect Areas of Anomalous Geothermal Activity. Present Position: Associate Professor, Dept. of Informatics, China University of Geosciences//
Dr. Lu Wang. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. Structural Evolution and Exhumation History of the World’s Most Deeply Subducted and Exhumed Rocks from the Sulu Orogen, China. Present Position: Professor, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan//
Dr. Abduwasit Ghulam (a.k.a. Wulami). Now Assistant Professor at St Louis University. We worked on using GIS for environmental and tectonic problems. Present Position: Professor, St. Louis University//
Dr. Sang Joon Pak, Korea, Mesozoic Tectonics of Korea.//
Dr. Mohamed El-Shafei, Associate Professor at Suez Canal University in Ismalia Egypt. We published a paper on the structural geology of Sinai, and another on the structure and tectonics of the northern East African Orogen. Present Position: Professor, Suez Canal University//
Dr. Samson Tesfaye, Ph.D., from University of Colorado. Topographic and volcanic evolution of the Afar triple junction, using satellite data as the main source of information. Present Position: Professor, Lincoln University, MO, and University of Missouri.//
Dr. Talaat Ramadan, now director of Geosciences at the National Authority of Remote Sensing and Space Science, Cairo Egypt. We published a paper on new techniques of integrating different types of satellite imagery to help mineral exploration and tectonic analysis of desert regions. We also published several shorter papers on neotectonics and seismic hazards of North Africa. Present Position: Professor, in Egypt//
Dr. Adel Fahmy Khalil, Nuclear Materials Authority, Egypt, Interpretation of Integrated Airborne Geophysical and Satellite Imagery Data for Geophysical Information and Mineral Potential Sites, Funded by Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Current Students, T. Kusky as Primary Advisor
1. Abdelmottaleb Abdu Abdalla Aldoud, PhD expected 2026, Tectonics of the Mesoarchean Mulgandinnah Shear Zone, Pilbara Craton//
2. Zhang Mengwei, Jennifer, PhD expected 2028, Applications of Machine Learning and AI to the Geosciences//
3. Zhuocheng, Wang, Ph.D., expected 2023, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, migmatites and magma mixing of Sulu Orogen, China (co-supervise with Lu Wang)//
4. Wang Ruizhi, Exhumation of Archean UHP peridotites, Eastern Hebei, China. PhD. expected 2027//
5. Bingyuan Lan, MSc, expected. Petrogenesis of migmatites in the Zanhuang complex, North China Craton//
6. Tian Xiao, M.Sc., anticipated 2024, presently learning field skills, landslides.//
7. Chao Wang, PhD expected 2027, Partial melting influence on exhumation of UHP metamorphic terranes//
8. Hu Wei, Ph.D. expected 2024, Ultra-high pressure exsolution textures in Archean chromitites, co-supervise with Lu Wang.//
9. Melatonga Kaituu, M.Sc., expected 2026. Landslides along the Alpine Fault, New Zealand.//
Students Finished, T. Kusky as Primary Advisor//
10. Jiannan Meng (Johnathon), PhD 2024, Neotectonics of an actively developing oblique plate boundary zone, Anatolia. Present Position: Hubei Province elite post-doc award, 2024, CUGW//
11. Hongtao Peng, Ph.D., 2023. Precambrian high-grade metamorphism in the Jianping Complex, and Huangling Dome, China. Present Position: post-doc, USTC China//
12. Yating Zhong, PhD 2023, Structural and metamorphic evolution of an Archean Orogen, Zanhuang Complex, North China (joint student with Lu Wang). Present Position: post-doc, Univ of Torino, Italy//
13. Wenbin Ning, PhD, 2023. Structure and petrogenesis of the late Archean Shanying ophiolite, North China Craton. Present Position: post-doc, CUG Wuhan. Hubei Province top post doc award, 2023.//
14. Traore Alhousseyni. Ph.D., 2022. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Geology, Geochemistry, and Tectonics of the Birrimian Terranes, Mali. Present Position, Assistant Professor, University of Bemako, Mali.// 15. Zhipeng Zhou (Joe), Ph.D., 2022, Deep structure and correlation of surface structure of Anatolia, Turkey; An assessment of the roles of mantle drag, slab pull, and gravitaional collapse on orogenice development. Present Position: Associate Professor, SINOPROBE LAB, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences..//
16. Ulambadrakh Khukhuudei, 2021, Tectonics of the Xing’an-Mongolia Orogenic Belt. Present Position: Professor and Head, National University of Mongolia.//
17. Huang Bo, 2020.China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Structural and metamorphic history of the Late Archean Dengfeng fore-arc accretionary complex, North China craton. Present Position: Associate Professor, CUGW//
18. Fu Dong, 2020, Structural, magmatic, and metamorphic evolution of the earlu Paleozoic North Qilian Orogenic Belt, Tibet. Present Position: Post-doctoral researcher, CUGW//
19. Hao Deng (Danny). Ph.D. 2017. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Geology and Geochemistry of Late Archean Mafic Dike Swarms of the North China Craton. Records of a Subduction Polarity Reversal. Present Position: Present Position Professor, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. //
20. Yang Huang (Boom). Ph.D., 2018. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. Analysis of inclusions in podiform chromites from Archean and Phanerozoic ophiolites. Present Position: Associate Professor, Chongcheng University of Technology.//
21. Zhengsheng Wang (Jason). Ph.D. 2017. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Geodynamic Modeling of Slab Rollback and Cratonic Destruction. Present Position: Associate Professor, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan.//
22. Junpeng Wang. Ph.D. 2015. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Archean mélange s and dynamics of Archean paleosubduction systems. Present Position: Professor and EPMA Lab Director, Head Dept. of Structural Geology, Center for Global Tectonics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan.//
23. Ye Yuan (William). Ph.D. 2015. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Quaternary Geology of the Qaidam Basin, China, and Neotectonics of the northern Oman Mountains determined from C14 dating of uplifted Quaternary beach terraces, Tiwi area, Oman. Present Position: Research Scientist, Gold Industry, Wuhan.//
24. Xingfu Jiang. Ph.D., 2014. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. Geology and Geochemistry of the Proterozoic Miaowan Ophiolite, Yangtze Craton. Present position: Present Position: Associate Professor, Nanchang, China.//
25. Safwat Gabr. St. Louis University. PhD. Geology, 2009. Use of Multispectral Satellite Data for Detection of Areas of Gold Mineralization, SE Desert, Egypt. Present Position: Associate Professor, Al-Azar University, Egypt.//
26. Tsilavo Raharimahefa, St. Louis University. Ph.D. Geology, 2008, Structural, Geochronologic and Tectonic Studies of the Angavo Shear Zone, and Correlations with Gondwana. Present Position: Associate Professor, Regina University, Canada.//
27. Sabreen Gad, St. Louis University. Ph.D., 2006, Remote Sensing Techniques for the Exploration of Groundwater in Fractured Bedrock Terrains: Examples from Egypt and Sudan. Present Position: Associate Professor, University of Kansas, USA.//
28. Reda Amer, St Louis University, PhD. Geology 2010. Utilizing satellite image for ground water and mineral exploration in Egypt. Present Position: Associate Professor, University of Missouri St. Louis.//
29. Mohamed Matsah, Ph.D. 2000, Boston University. The Deposition of the Jibalah Group in Pull-Apart Basins of the Najd Fault System as a Final Stage of the Consolidation of Gondwanaland. Present Position: Professor and Chairman, King Abdul – Aziz University, Department of Structural Geology and Remote Sensing, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.//
30. Mohammed Kamel Abu El Enin El-Shafei, PhD., 1999, Boston University / Suez Canal University, Structural Evolution of Proterozoic rocks from the Wadi Feiran area, Sinai Peninsula; Implications for Pan-African Tectonics. Present Position: Professor, Suez Canal University, Department of Geology, Ismalia, Egypt.//
31. Robert E. Morency, Jr., Ph.D. 1995, Boston University. A Conceptual Ground Water Model for Northeast Sinai, Egypt, with Application to Ground Water Exploration Using Satellite Data, 256 pp. Present Position: Public Service Sector, Housing Authority, New Hampshire.// //
32. Zhang Mengwei, Jennifer, MSc 2024, Developing 3D SEM and TEM colored imaging technologies//
33. Lin Jingsong, Victor, MSc 2024, Archean chromitites from Canada and Greenland.//
34. Susana Unaloto ki he Vahanoa Takau, 2023, An integrated volcanic, tsunami and earthquake disaster plan for Tonga.//
35. Chao Wang, M.Sc. 2022, 3D drone mapping technologies applied to structural geology//
36. Wang Ruizhi, Exhumation of Archean UHP peridotites, Eastern Hebei, China. M.Sc. 2022//
37. Bator Shikh (Batman), M.Sc., 2022, Geology and Tectonic Setting of the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold deposit, Mongolia//
38. Ozan Sinoplu, MSc, 2022, Geology and active tectonics of the Salt Lake pull-apart system, central Anatolia. Changed to petrology of TTG pluton in Appalachians after denied re-entry to China with Covid.//
39. Wang Chuanhai, M.Sc. 2022. Structural Analysis and petrogenesis of basement gneisses, Eastern Zanhuang Domain, North China craton.//
40. Li Li, MSC. 2020. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Structural Geology of Turkey. //
41. Li Xiawen (Sharon), MSc, 2018. Structural and kinematic analysis of the late Archean Zunhua mélange, North China Craton//
42. Hao Deng, MSc., 2016, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of Archean mafic blocks in mélange and Archean mafic dikes in the Central Orogenic Belt, China.//
43. Qingsen Han (Handsome). M.Sc., 2016. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Grevillian-age granulites from the north Huangling anticline, Yangtze craton.//
44. Lin Musen, (Six Wood). M.Sc. 2017, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Geological Controls on Geothermal Sites in Yunnan Province, China.//
45. Chen Wang (Charlie). M.Sc. program. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. P-T-t-D conditions in an Archean paleo-subduction zone revealed by detailed studies of garnet inclusions, Sanhuang Domain, North China Craton. Student failed out of program.//
46. Hongtao Peng. MSc. 2017. Petrology of ophiolitic blocks in the Jianping Complex, North China Craton.//
47. Youjun Zhang, M.Sc., 2016, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Origin and metallogenesis of hydrothermal pyrite in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand.//
48. Jiamin Fu (Jimmy). MSc, 2015. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Geology and Geochronology of the Haozhuang Granite Complex, Zanhuang Massic, North China Craton.//
49. Traore Alhousseyni. M.Sc. 2015. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Geochronology of TTG gneisses from the Eastern Zanhuang Domain, North China Craton.//
50. Xuya Huang (Sarah), M.Sc. 2013. CUG Wuhan. Using GIS to map planation surfaces along the Yangtze River Basin.// 51. X. Xiao, M.Sc. 2009, St. Louis University, Eastward expansion of the Tibetian Plateau at Longmenshan through sub-crustal flow.//
52. Erkan Toraman. St. Louis University. MSc. 2007. Neotectonics of Madagascar.//
53. Nathalie Bakoariniaina, M.Sc., 2005. St. Louis University. Assessing Human Impacts on the Environment of Madagascar. Present Position: Staff Scientist, World Bank Group, Virginia.//
54. Yanli Xu, M.Sc., 2005, St. Louis University, -thrust belt tectonics of Longmensan, south China//
55. Tsilavo Raharimahefa, St. Louis University. M.Sc. Geology, 2004, Structural, Geochronologic, and Landsat Studies of the Betsimisiraka suture, East Madagascar. Present Position: Associate Professor, Regina University, Canada.//
56. R. Huson, M.Sc., 2003, St. Louis University. Geochemistry of the Archean Dongwanzi ophiolite, North China Craton.//
57. D. Thomas Donely, 2002. MSc. St. Louis University. The Tertiary Near-Trench Terentiev Pluton, Alaska. Present Position: Chef, Alaska.//
58. Jennifer Inzana. M.Sc., 2001. Boston University. Supervised Classifications of Landsat Imagery as a Tool to Aid Geologic Mapping.//
59. Mutlu Ozdogan, M.Sc. 2000, Boston University, Application of radar interferometry to assess displacement on a segment of the North Anatolian fault, Turkey. Last Known Position: PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, Boston University.//
60. Susan Oakley, M.Sc., 2000, Boston University, Neotectonics and Drainage Development of the northern Oman Mountains. Present Position: Analyst, NGA//
61. Charles Young, M.Sc. 1997, Boston University, The Resurrection Peninsula Ophiolite: Emplacement in the Southern Alaska Forearc and Controls on Sedimentation during ophiolite transport, 133 pp. Present Position. Geologic Consultant, Franklin Massachusetts.//
62. David Loring, M.Sc., Boston University, 1996, U-Pb Geochronology and Structural History of the Piseco Anticline, Southern Adirondacks, New York.//
63. Huda A. Al-Dabi, M.Sc., Boston University, 1996, Detection of Anthropogenic Changes in a Sand Dune Field of Northwestern Kuwait Using Remotely Sensed Data. Present Position: Geologist, Department of Environmental Protection, Kuwait.//
64. Zaher Hammoud, M.Sc., Boston University, 1996, Evaluation of the Ground Water Potential of Jabel Al-Akhdar, Oman, Using Landsat Data.//
65. Pamela A. Winsky, M.Sc., 1995, Boston University. Archean Geology and Tectonic Setting of the Belingwe and Qalluviartuuq Greenstone Belts, 185 pp. Present Position: Geologic Consultant, Los Angeles area.//
66. Bruce Pletch, M.Sc., 1995, Boston University, Plutonic Rocks from the Udintsev Transform, South Pacific Ocean: Structure and Composition of Fast-Spreading Crust, 80 pp.// //
Undergraduate Theses (list incomplete)//
67. Zhiyuan Chen (Jamie), 2024, Geology and tectonics of the Shangyin area, eastern Hebei, China//
68. Fravian Mwizarubi Marobo 2023, Precambrian geology and tectonic evolution of the Tanzanian craton.//
69. Melatonga Kaituu, 2023, Firsthand account of the Honga Tonga Honga Haupai eruption and tsunami.//
70. Peng Yaying (Alexis) 2021, Tectonostratigraphy of a Neoarchean passive margin flanking the western margin of Eastern Block in North China Craton.//
71. Luan Zhikang (Zinc) 2021, The evolution of a Neoarchean passive margin, western margin of the Eastern Block, North China Craton: Constraints from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology from the Zanhuang Complex//
72. Liu Xuanyu (Lewis) 2021, Geochemistry and geodynamic constraints on the origin of Neoarchean mafic rocks in the Zanhuang Complex, Central Oorgenic Belt, North China Craton.//
73. Susana Unaloto ki he Vahanoa Takau, 2021, Tectonic background of the 8.1 magnitude earthquake of Tonga, 2021.//
74. Tingting Wang (Tina), B.Sc., 2019. undergraduate thesis, Construction of a structural profile through the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus: a new model of an antiformal stack.//
75. Hao Deng, undergraduate thesis, 2010. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Discovery of sheeted dykes of Miaowan Ophiolite in the northern Yangtze Craton, China.//
76. Wang Chen (Charlie), undergraduate thesis, 2015. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Metamorphism and microstructures of country rock of Wangjiazhuang pluton in Zanhuang mélange belt, North China craton//
77. Yunxiu Li (Michele), undergraduate thesis, 2015. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Geochronology and geochemistry of Neoarchean granitic rocks in the Dengfeng Complex, North China Craton: Implication for Geodynamic evolution//
78. Yin Zhang, undergraduate thesis, 2017. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. Partial melting of the Archean metasediments in the Zunhua Structural Belt, North China Craton.//
79. Rose Ganley, St. Louis University, undergraduate Thesis, 2004. The Resurrection Ophiolite, Alaska.//
80. Jane Frechette, Senior Thesis, 1994, Microstructures in the Contact Aureole of the Onawa Pluton, Central Maine; Evidence for its Post-Tectonic Intrusion, Boston University, 51 pp.//
81. Carolyn van der Bogart, Senior Thesis, Boston University, 1996, Impact Craters: Identification and Implications.//
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