
Johanna Laakso - Curriculum Vitae#

Language knowledge: Finnish (native), English, German, Hungarian, Estonian, Swedish (good), Russian (passive), French (basics), theoretical knowledge of various other Finno-Ugric languages

  • Primary and grammar school in Hämeenlinna, Finland, matriculation examination (6/6 laudatur marks) 1979.
  • Studies of Finno-Ugric languages, Finnic languages and general linguistics at the University of Helsinki from 1979 to 1985.
  • Study sojourns in Budapest (ELTE University) in 1984-85 and Tallinn (Pedagogical University) in 1986.
  • M. A. (= cand. phil.) at the University of Helsinki 1985.
  • Lic. phil. at the University of Helsinki 1988.
  • PhD at the University of Helsinki 1990. (PhD thesis Translatiivinen verbinjohdin NE itämerensuomalaisissa kielissä [= The translative verbal derivation suffix NE in the Finnic languages]] published in the series “Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne” 1990.)
  • Docent (corresponds roughly to the “Habilitation”/venia legendi in the German-speaking world) of Finno-Ugric languages at the University of Helsinki since 1997.

Relevant work career
  • Research assistant (tutkimusavustaja, apulaistutkija) at the Research Centre for the Languages of Finland 1986–1987.
  • Assistant (assistentti) at the University of Helsinki from 1987 to 2000, excluding the following periods:
    • maternity leaves 1992, 1993, 1997
  • Acting professor of Finnic languages at the University of Helsinki 1989–1990
  • Acting professor of Finno-Ugric languages at the University of Helsinki 1991
  • project researcher 1999–2000.
  • Professor of Finno-Ugric studies at the University of Vienna since October 2000.
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